Showing posts with label unafraid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unafraid. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Unafraid to Change

"What is a human being, then?" "A seed" "A... seed?" "An acorn that is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree." - David Zindell (1992) The Broken God

As a child, my formative years took place in the 1960s and 1970s. The 1960s have been described as the counterculture and social revolution; many times described as an era of irresponsible excess and flamboyance. The 1970s were influenced by social progressive values which began in the 1960s, such as increasing political awareness and economic liberty of women.

These were two decades which seemed radically different from what we might see as our western culture today. There were excesses and missteps that occurred along the way, but than again, change never comes cleanly. Change does not come in a nice tidy box with a crisply tied bow on it.

Change can be down right messy and difficult.

One of the things I do remember were the struggles women fought for equality in the workplace. There are still inequalities today but not what was going on back in those days. My mother battled these things in a changing culture. Fighting to be recognized in the workplace as an equal to the men around her.

Fighting for the rights which eventually opened doors for other women to step through. And yet, my mother would never see herself as a person who paved the way for women in the workplace, but she did. She set an example for many other women of her time.

Mom worked in retail and credit for many years. She made her way to becoming the store credit manager and eventually store manager. It took a course of years from 1967 to 1986. The business world was not fully ready for it and neither were many men and women with old outdated thinking.

Never afraid to step out; to achieve those dreams.

Today I see my own wife and daughters working, achieving things in life that seemed out of reach back in the 60s and 70s. Are all things fair and equal today? No, I am not suggesting they are. What has changed is no one should be afraid to reach out and pursue their dreams.

The achievements women like my mother attained reinforced the idea that dreams are possible. They also established the idea that you must shed fear and be unafraid to step out boldly in pursuit of those dreams. The idea of being unafraid is not only for women, but for everyone.

To reach your potential, you must shake your fears and strongly create movement in your life. To reach out towards a vision for a better life. To begin your walk down a path others have laid a foundation to build upon.

You will walk this path or possibly create a new one.

Let go of the fear, be unafraid.

Stay inspired my friends.