Showing posts with label universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universe. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Seeing The Bigger Picture

When science finally locates the center of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they're not it.” - Bernard Bailey

Many of us have seen these pictures showing the relative size of the planets in our solar system. The pictures are an amazing view of how we and our earth fit into the larger solar system.

As you begin to step back from your own small space here on earth, you begin to see how much larger the picture is.

If we look to our own Sun, it is amazing to see how small earth is relative to an even bigger picture.

Our Sun becomes small when compared to other places within the universe. Stepping back further, it becomes obvious there are other things much larger than our own existence.

So large it becomes difficult to wrap our minds around the enormity of it.

If we step back and view the bigger picture around us, there are so many others and so much more we can do. But we have to step out of a self-centered way of thinking. All of this does not mean to say we are small and insignificant. What it means is there is a world, a life, much larger than our own.

Look outside of oneself and find something even greater.

When we reach out beyond our own small self, everything thing will start to come into focus. Life will become more clear when we expand our world, but it all starts with seeing the bigger picture.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Three Things

"Energy is liberated matter, matter is energy waiting to happen." -Bill Bryson

There are three things required to create the universe according to scientists; matter, energy and space. And no, I'm not here to debate or discuss the question of God or creation here. What I find interesting is how these three things can be applied to success in life. So stay with me here is you please.

1. Matter

While matter is considered the substance of which all physical objects consist, you consist of matter. But something else to consider is that you also matter in everything that you are. You are not simply the combination of molecules and other little bits and pieces. You are someone that counts in life.

2. Energy

With all of those molecules and little bits and pieces, there is energy in the movements that we make. When we sit still, nothing is produced. But when we get up and take a step, energy is transfered in that movement. With each additional step, the energy produced increases and your life is energized immensely.

3. Space

There is space between you and your destination, but it is not insurmountable. You can travel vast distances from where you are now to where you want to be in life. That space is only as large as your doubt. That space also gives you a wide and vast array of choice. You must take that space, regardless of its size, and make it your own.

The three things in your universe are the three things that make up the broader universe. Achieve more and greater things in life, your best life. And keep yourself inspired my friends.