It was a great weekend as my wife and I went on a Couple's Journey. Sort of a "boot camp, reconnect, push yourself beyond what you think you can accomplish" type of weekend. We might be a little sore physically but mentally it feels great.
On Saturday night, I said to the nearly 40 couples attending that I have a great amount of stories to write. Acts of pushing beyond, stories of overcoming fears and tales of finding out more about each other.
I watched people do extraordinary things, watched my wife do amazing things and even found myself pushing past limits I thought I had. It was a WOW (We Overcome Willingly) type of weekend. When we allow ourselves to willingly push beyond our fear and self-imposed limits, greater things happen.
There will be more stories to tell, but to all that attended, the instructors and my wife; thank you!
“To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence.” -Arthur Schopenhauer