Monday, February 26, 2007

Why Don't He Write No More

It has been a few too many days since I've written. Even though I do not consider myself a writer, I can feel sort of what it is like to have 'writers block.' With my work and all that goes on in life, my mind has drifted to other parts of that life. Yet I do find myself wondering how many of the great writers may have dealt with this.

Even many of the inspirational speakers that weekly get up and speak to thousands of people must go through periods and seasons. Just how many ways can you describe the benefits of living life in a positive way? Examples abound out there and I read as much as time will allow.

The stories, the anecdotes or even the occassional comic are all intended to give you different perspectives of attitude. I have been struggling to find a way to place these stories to book. Is there a formula that works for many of you. Should it be 365 days of attitude, a book, a daily calendar or attitude fortune cookies?

Maybe those of you out there could help me. I'm looking for a publisher or how to contact the appropriate ones with the idea. I'm looking for affirmation that there would be interest out there. And maybe I should take my own advice and simply step out there and simply do it.

Send me your comments and I'll get my 'inspiration' back soon enough. Writing today is the first step in starting it all back up again.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Doors Of Change

Picture source, Life In Italy

Flora Whittemore - “The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”

There are many doors you choose to walk through each day. Varying shapes and styles, of colors and age. Some are grand elegant doors and others are broken.

You get to pick most of these doors through which you travel each day. Sometimes, the choices are limited and at other times, only one is there to go through.

So you choose, go through or turn back. Like the building by the crossroads I have spoken before, it may start with only one door, but going through it will open your eyes to so many more choices.

(Read Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - Life At A Crossroads)

It takes a bold first step to open and walk through that one door. Then it becomes a series of opening and closing doors. Trying never to look back but to move forward with each bold decision that you make. Reach out and turn the door knob to change in your life.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Dog's Day

Today was a great day and is one of those days that you just feel good about your life. Our family has been 'dog-less' for a couple of years and it was simply time to lighten our home up again.

This particular girl was adopted through the local humane society near where we live. These animals are foster cared for until a suitable family can be found. It isn't a simple "come in and pay your money" exercise either. A reasonable amount of interviewing is performed. These people that perform this service are folks that deeply care for the well-being of these abandoned pets.

As pets go, they can be very good companions and there is evidence to suggest better health when a loving pet is around the home. If you have the right temperment and get a general good feeling when your pet is near, then stress can be relieved. This alone will help with your heart and other stress-related issues.

So is a pet right for everyone? Probably not, but for us it was time. For many others it may not be the right time. If you are not able to adopt a pet, then consider supporting your local chapter. Its a good way to help out a great cause...its a good way to feel good about yourself.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Little Truisms

Here is a little something that is making the rounds on the internet. It has some nice little truisms to live by. Enjoy and have a great weekend everyone.

Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

When you say, "I love you", mean it.

When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.

Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

Believe in love at first sight.

Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.

Don't judge people by their relatives.

Talk slowly but think quickly.

When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Remember the three R's:
Respect for self;
Respect for others;
Responsibility for all your actions.

Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

Spend some time alone.