Friday, September 28, 2007

Jim Primm

Happy Birthday
To My Brother Jim In Nebraska!
September 28, 19??

Relaxing - Enjoy The Weekend

The big lights, the city full of fun and excitement. The weekend is here and for many people a couple of days of relaxation. The same goes on every where around the globe. From the smallest of cities to the large metropolis, people are shouting out, "Thank Goodness Its Friday."

Take time to reconnect with your wife, your kids, your friends and others in your life. Take time to reconnect with yourself, to decompress and let the worries of the week melt away. Use the chance to maybe attend a church service or to gather with others.

The coming week looms ahead but for now, two days await you which will recharge your body and mind. Myself, its the start of a vacation week and there will be much to enjoy. Live life and enjoy it, not only on the weekends but everyday that you can.

It really is a great life you live and there is much to enjoy. Take care and have a great weekend.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Goodness In People

There is goodness in speaking kindly of others both here and those that have passed away. The older I get, the more important it seems to me that this is true. To let go of the negative thoughts about a person and to think of the good things that person has done becomes more important.

By measuring the goodness of a persons life - large or small - significant or not - means that the person matters. And this means some much to those around them and to those left behind by their passing.

As each of us has both good and bad aspects of our lives, to remember the positives will mean so much more. Even as a person continues to live, think of the good things and improve upon those positives. I have seen many people leave this life knowing many of them well and many others not so well. But it is the good things that I choose to remember.

Yes, there are those truly horrible people in this world, but those that are in your daily life, those are the ones that you have to come to terms with. For you will one day be measured by your own goodness. Leave a trail of good memories that will be remembered by all.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Achieving Dreams

Two years of writing about life and offering just a small amount of advice to help each of us get through life a bit easier. I've had great responses from many folks and had people from all over the world read my ramblings.

When I started out in August 2005, I wasn't quite sure where this blog would take me. It has changed me in different ways. I believe it has helped others and some of those responses I've gotten encouraged me to continue writing. My intention is to compile many of the stories and writings into a book compiling the first two years.

To make any money isn't the primary goal and what I have made goes into a charity. Goodness should flow through you into others so that they can benefit as well. To help each other, to give encouragement makes all the difference in the world. I have had support and kindness from others through out my life. Returning the same to others is something all of us should strive to do.

Phil Pringle has said "never under estimate the power of a vision that is in your mind." Many of us have a dream to accomplish something. A vision that we think about in those quiet moments. You are not destined to simply wish for that to come true.

Each of us have the ability to get up and begin movement towards that vision. It isn't others or circumstance keeping you from it. You can get up and begin the steps to achieve. It is going to be difficult and there are no guarantees of success. Yet you will never "grab the brass ring" if you don't reach out and try.

I'm on my way to something with this blog. It is taking me on a journey that began at a crossroads of decision. Walk through that door and choose a path.