Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Change To Move Others

Things happen in our lives when we 'step out in change'. We each have a story we can tell about what it is we did or what happened that changed our life. I would like to hear your story, those of life changing events, the ones that either moved you or caused you to shift things in your life.

You may think that "no one would have interest in MY STORY." But you might be surprised and I'd like to collect these stories to share with others. If your story moves even one person to make a change for the better, that 'ripple' from your life has again done something good for another.

Our own humanity is a community of people learning from each other. The stories we tell each other come from the past, recent past, the young, the old and everyone in-between. These stories could have been moved by faith or circumstance. Even the smallest story of success or inspiration will touch many others.

Email your story to josephprimm@bellsouth.net and I will do the rest. I'll collect these stories and make them available to everyone. Don't worry, I won't use your full name but will let you know that I received it. You can pass along this request to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or others that may have a story to share.

We can touch others with our stories of break-through. Each of us have a story that can inspire or encourage others. There are others out there waiting to hear your story which will move them to make change in their life.

Thank you and let's effect change for others.

Joseph Primm
Atlanta, GA

Friday, August 08, 2008

Dance To Feel Good

"You have to learn that if you start making sure you feel good, everything will be okay." -Ruben Studdard

The following video pretty much speaks for itself. Each of us will take many things away from this but I believe one of those things will be feeling good afterwards. The video is safe and viewable by all ages. Pay attention to the dance style and where he is...something for everyone.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

For more about this video, visit Matt's site. Thank you Matt, the ripples of what you do are touching so many. Everything is going to be okay.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Inspirational Steps

Picture comes from Sarah Binette's blog.

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." -Frank Tibolt

The hardest thing to do when achieving a goal is in taking that first step. We sit and procrastinate and plan and ponder, trying to set the entire course out. We then over think the course we are going to take, allowing doubt to creep in.

To sit all day reading inspirational books and watching motivational speakers on television extol great words will not put us closer to our dreams unless we take that first step. By creating movement, other things move in your life.

Some will say it is God moving in your life, others say it is opportunity moving in your life while others will say it is karma. Whatever your belief is, the movement will place you on a course in which you will find opportunity and inspiration.

This course may not be the one envisioned while sitting there planning your future. But as you move, things that you had not envisioned will present themselves for you to take hold of. Yet it all begins with a single step.

Inspire yourself to stand up and move, create a wave with your movement and ride the waves of other peoples movement. Grab hold of the sun and use it to light the path to your goals.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Course Of Life

"Even though I focus on the priorities in life; God, Family and everything else, I drift. My humanity pulls me off course. Life will always have a way of doing this. Learn to recognize that you have drifted and then correct your course. Align yourself to what is important." -Dean Sweetman

It happens to all of us, we are cruising along the highway of our lives and we become distracted. We take a wrong turn or see something off to the right that looks interesting. The path we are taking goes off in a direction that pulls us from what we know is important for our own life.

Accept that each of us stray from our own path and that finding our way back is always possible. Learn from the experience and let it give you greater strength to keep on track.