Monday, March 02, 2009

Forecast Great Things

The weather channel says there is a probability of rain or snow. The news channels begin to repeat it over and over. The impending storm could possibly happen and there is no shortage of people reminding you. So you run to the store and buy bread, eggs and milk along with some extra batteries. You are convinced the storm will happen so preparation is your motto.

Early in the morning you wake to see just how bad it is outside. The surprise on your face tells the story. The hype of news over snow materialized and now you have a lot of egg sandwiches to eat. The idea of being prepared is not what I'm writing about though.

Being prepared is a good thing. Looking to the future and believing in a forecast is like believing in your own goals. The forecast and signs of success are there, but do you prepare nearly as much. Do you believe in what you have forecast for yourself and then done as much as you can to get yourself ready for the outcome?

You must believe in your goals, more importantly in yourself. The forecast for you is success and great things; are you prepared?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blue Danube

Johann Strauss II
October 25, 1825 – June 3, 1899

The Blue Danube is the common English title of An der schönen blauen Donau op. 314 (On the Beautiful Blue Danube), a waltz by Johann Strauss II, composed in 1867. Originally performed 9 February 1867 at a concert of the Wiener Männergesangsverein (Vienna Men's Choral Association), it has been one of the most consistently popular pieces of music in the classical repertoire. Its initial performance was only a mild success, however, and Strauss is reputed to have said "The devil take the waltz, my only regret is for the coda -- I wish that had been a success!"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Being Around Greatness

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great!" -Mark Twain

Immerse your life with negative people and that is where you will stay. Surround yourself with great people and your life will be drawn to greatness. Two fairly easy statements to understand and adopt.

I try to do this as much as I can, get near to great people and learn from them. One of my recent ventures is with Twitter. A social networking site that is full of one-line comments, musings along with the inevitable people wanting to sell or promote something. What I like about it is getting to read the general and everyday musing of successful people.

What is neat about it is that I can respond to them. Not sure at this point if they actually see my replies. It could be that they are simply waiting to make sure that I'm not a stalker (To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement). And I can assure you that I am not.

The intent is to draw close to these successful people, learn from them and hopefully provide them with some inspiration in life as well. some of these people may cross into your life while other times you need to step out boldly and introduce yourself. From there it is like any friendship in how it develops. Some do and some don't, but once you do, there is so much you can learn from others.

Great people want to see other people become great. Get near these people, learn from them and then give back to others what you have been given.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mayan 2012

"Many believe when the Mayan Calendar ends in December 21, 2012, the world as we know it will end with it."

Okay, so is the world going to end in 2012 as predicted in the Mayan calendar? I have my doubts about it and I don't feel it necessary to dissuade others from believing in it. There are belief systems all around the world that I don't necessarily agree with. This is one of them and it reminds me of the concerns of life as we know it ending in the year 2000.

The world didn't end then and I personally doubt that it will end in 2012. There will be those that take advantage of the 'impending doom' and develop plans to earn money from it. There will be plenty of people that feel I am taking this too lightly. My preparation will be for the possible ramifications that unwarranted hysteria could cause.

But what if I'm wrong they will say? If I'm wrong it won't make any difference from all that is supposed to happen. You can scare or amuse yourself at 2012 Doomsday Predictions. But if it does come to pass, it is out of our control anyway. There is nothing you could do to prepare for it. So the focus of all your energy on worrying will do you no good.

Take that focus and turn it towards doing something good in your life today. Focus on what you can do to better your life and the lives of those around you. To stop and worry now, when the 'doom and gloom' fails to happen, you will be left in the same place you are now.

In other words, keep moving forward in a positive light. Go forward, be prepared for changes in life but keep moving. The year 2012 will come and go; will you?