Monday, August 03, 2009

Talent Within

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that, we must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." -Marie Curie

The quote that I use often is "Believe in your vision, act upon that vision and then realize the vision." Each of us have a talent within that allows us to do great things in this life. The struggle is to believe in it and to have the courage to use that talent. Some people easily express their talent and everyone looks at them thinking what a genius they are.

You can be that genius as well by believing in yourself. A huge step for some of us is in the 'believing' part. You have it inside of you but convincing oneself to bring it to the surface creates tension and doubt. You struggle to nurture it while all along, external forces are saying, "you can do it."

Maybe it is fear of failure that could possibly expose a weakness. We are human and imperfect; failure is simply an opportunity to learn and grow. Or possibly the reason is that we lack self confidence. We convince our self that we will never be good enough. Yet you get up everyday and perform superbly. That alone should be enough reason to know you can do anything.

Is it simple as that? Not really, but you'll never know without trying. It is said that you will miss the target 100% of the time if you never shoot the arrow. That is guaranteed. But if you allow yourself to release the arrow, eventually it will find its mark.

Pull the talent you have within to the surface. Allow yourself to believe. You can achieve what you want in life.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Open Opportunity

Giving a plug to a great missions organization that could use your financial support. Open Road Missions (ORM) is a non-profit international aide organization dedicated to providing opportunities for people to become involved in the lives of those less fortunate.

Founded in 2007 by Paul OConnell, ORM is currently providing food, clothing, medical care and supplies to needy families in Peru. They work with local organizations to assess primary needs and determine the best possible methods for providing help.

If you would like to support the mission financially, go to Open Road Missions or contact Paul at to find out more.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Opened To More

"Courage is simply the willingness to be afraid and act anyway." -Robert Anthony

There is a small part in each of us that would rather sit behind the closed door. We would rather be complacent in the comfort of the small space we occupy. The idea of opening ourselves to something beyond our controlled atmosphere frightens us.

The artificial lights within our home provide just enough warmth to keep us satisfied. We read the paper, search the Internet and generally create a small piece of life. You feel there is no need to extend your world beyond the front door.

A large world exists beyond the threshold of your home. That world can use someone like you to enter it on a larger scale. The world needs the interaction of you. You need the interaction of the world in order to grow. It is said that a mushroom grows very well in the cool dark and wetness of an enclosed space. It grows even better when fed that four letter word which begins with an 's', a lonely existence in my mind.

But the flower flourishes outside in the world under a beaming sun. It draws strength from the cool rain water and nutrients of the earth. The flower is found by the world to be a source of inspiration. It brings beauty where none exists.

Are you that flower? No, I'm not that eloquent to suggest you are. What you are is someone that can flourish out in the world. Interacting with other people, impacting their lives with even the smallest of what you can offer. All it takes is to open that door and step out. To step out and beyond the walls that surround you will bring so much more to your life.

Try it today; open the door and step through it. Find a way to put yourself out in the world and do something for someone else. It all comes back around eventually. Some may call it 'paying it forward'. In this case, nothing may have been done for you yet. Well, you can start the process first. Be the first one in the chain that 'pays it forward' and it will eventually come back around when you least expect it (but need it most).

Open the door on your life and begin.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mission Ecuador

People who care about each other enjoy doing things for one another. They don't consider it servitude.” -Ann Landers

Today I am writing to make a request for your assistance. My daughter will be traveling to Cuenca, Ecuador on a three month Mission Trip. She will be working with the Verbo Church during her time in Ecuador.

Not long ago, she visited Ecuador on a mission trip with the The C3 Church-Atlanta School of Ministry. After returning from this incredible experience, she made the decision to go back for three months. During her time she will be living in Cuenca with the wonderful family that coordinated all of the events and details of the first missions trip.

While there this time, she will be serving in various departments of the Verbo Church, including the orphanage and clothing outreach programs. Additionally she will be learning how their church is run and operated along with being enrolled in a language school run by the church.

One big reason she is embarking on this missions trip is to assist and better learn how this group is having such a huge impact on their local community. It was very interesting to see this impact and she wants to learn all she can from the church leaders and members. There is a lot that can be learned from these people.

More importantly, she is looking to learn from and in teaching the kids within the orphanage. When it comes down to it, helping these children will have a large impact on their lives.

She already has her plane ticket and is leaving in late August of 2009. The estimated need for her internship will be $3,000. Please consider donating what you can. Every bit helps her reach the goal and any amount is greatly appreciated.

If you feel more comfortable in doing so, you can send your gift through the local church here in Atlanta, address and website given below.

The C3 Church - Atlanta
1065 Walther Blvd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043 USA

WEBSITE: The C3 Church - Atlanta

Just mark your donations for "Pareesa Sarabi-Ecuador Missions". Yes, she is my step-daughter but I'm overly proud to simply call her my daughter. Its a big step for a young adult and going BEYOND your normal walls will help others in a large way.