Monday, November 23, 2009

Marjorie's Music

Back from a great, but short vacation down to the beach in Panama City, Florida. Great time to reflect, rest, relax and recharge our lives before the holidays.

While I was gone, a friend sent me her latest music video that I wanted to share. She is an independent singer/songwriter by the name Marjorie Whitley. Odd that I've never asked her if she is related in any fashion to the (now deceased) singer Keith Whitley. But Marjorie's talent is not to be overshadowed by anyone else.

There are thousands of independent artists that are singers, songwriters, painters, photographers and movie makers. Each of them deserve our attention and support. Huge fame and fortune may not be the end result. But creating great music or whatever it is you create in life is what matters.

Each of us have talents; artistic, business, community or any of a number of things. You may not realize it but living life takes a certain amount of talent. Nurture your talents and live a great life. If we support each other along the way, then life gets lived a little better.

Enjoy Marjorie's music and if you feel inclined, support her and buy one of her music CDs. Or write her a note on Facebook of support and to find out more.

Enjoy the talent that surrounds us.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is The Sky Blue

There must be a positive and negative in everything in the universe in order to complete a circuit or circle, without which there would be no activity, no motion.” -John McDonald

So maybe I should let that sink in a little bit or let people wonder just what a quote like that is doing on a blog like this.

This blog is a positive, motivational, self improvement website that people can get a little bit of inspiration from. It is a way of helping you find some goodness to help you get through whatever it is you might be going through.

Yet I fully understand the reality of life, that you can not always live in the happy Neverland. There will be periods of the "not-so-happy". Even I have been called (in a nice way) a cynical b@$tard. Although I much prefer the term "centered contrarian".

My view is much more positive then not, but I find that I have to keep my life centered. So when I start approaching the starry, "pie-in-the-sky"; my instinct is to ensure I step back and view the other side.

The reason why?

I can not speak to those going through bad times with out understanding what they are facing. The 'positive' means nothing to them if it isn't relevant. So my cynicism for things can peek through from time to time. But again, that cynicism can come off sounding like I don't believe in having a great attitude.

Having a great attitude and leaning to the positive is what dreams are made of. Without it, we would never move forward. We would never try anything new or even want to for that matter. My contrarian ways are in some ways left over attributes but in no way do they diminish my belief in living life in a positive fashion.

You have to choose the way you want to live your life. That is the great thing about it. We get to choose it, we get to also change it. We can pull ourselves out of misery and choose happiness. No one else, no artificial thing, no magic potion can make that change...only you.

And if you say the sky is blue and I happen to say its not; then its just the cynic in me dreaming of a great sunrise.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Flower Bed Of Color

It matters not what goal you seek; its secret here reposes: You've got to dig from week to week, to get Results or Roses” -Edgar Guest

A new week is upon us and you have the opportunity to put a small 'dent in the universe' with your actions. To work hard and advance your life each and everyday is possible when we allow ourselves the effort.

Many will sit and wonder why there are no flowers to smell. They yearn for all that is good yet are unwilling to work for it. They want to swing from a tree branch yet will never plant the tree. It is said "when is the best time to plant a tree?" The answer is twenty years ago. The second best time is today.

To achieve anything, we must start now and begin the process. Waiting will never accomplish the goal. Waiting will forever keep your dreams at a distance. A young girl grows up to raise a wonderful family. Life complete, the years of nurturing results in a flower bed of wonderful colors.

Pick yourself up today, this week and tend to the rose bushes. Nurture your life until one day you can 'stop and smell the roses' of success.

Friday, November 06, 2009


Taking the day off from writing. Yet a great sunrise should never go unseen, which is the power of the internet. Enjoy your weekend.