Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The Vision of Mission X

"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." -Joel Barker

All of us have a vision in our minds. A goal or a dream of what or where we want to be in life. For some of us, the picture is still cloudy and developing. For others that picture is crystal clear.

Acknowledging the vision is a good start towards it. You must then study it to understand it more clearly. But once you have a hold of it, the power of that vision becomes stronger. It is that power which causes you to start moving towards the goal.

A 'friend' of mine, which is odd as we only know each other slightly through Twitter, is an independent film maker. I say odd because in some definitions, a friend is someone you know quite well. For us, we have a mutual liking, a friendly discourse of conversation and we both support the others efforts.

His Twitter name is @indiemoviemaker, but his real name is David Baker. An actor, writer, director and nice guy. As an independent film maker, that can not be an easy task. I have to catch myself in that I keep referring to him as a film maker. I would guess in the new technological age it is really movie making as film may be a thing of the past.

But to get back to my point, he has a vision of what he wants to accomplish in life. May that be great films, opening the way for hundreds of other independent film makers and maybe make a little bit of money along the way. He has a recent movie release called MISSION X. It is a movie about a documentary student who gets to interview a mercenary, then he gets to film a revenge attack. The trailer appears below.

The movie is great example of what one can do with limited resources, but a great idea and mind to complete it. David has so much more to do and offer. I don't know what his true vision is to accomplish in life, but he does have one.

And each of us have a vision hidden inside as well. And each of us have to develop that vision. It needs to become your "MISSION" in life to reach it. Find that piece of you that wants to do more. Then start moving towards it. The closer you get, the more clear it will become. Grab hold of your "mission" and pursue it with all of your heart.


To purchase this film, go to the MISSION X website. Well worth the money.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Calm Before The Storm

"Look for me in the whirlwind or the storm." -Marcus Garvey

The idioms "lull before the storm" and "calm before the storm" are terms for a quiet period just before a period of great activity or excitement. The literal reference being to weather. Today is one of those days that I would refer to as the calm before the storm of the holidays.

Halloween was a bit of a primer but Thanksgiving in the United States is the starting point of a nearly five week flurry. The gathering of families and friends for a large meal. The shopping madness, football games, decorating, more family and friends. The travelling, wrapping of presents, unwrapping of presents, more food and drink. All ending up with a celebration of a new year, family, friends and the end of what was a storm of activity.

What happens is that some people get a thrill from riding the waves of a storm while others get frightened by the noise. We sometimes forget that it is a rather long period of time in which we will ride high on the waves of enjoyment. While there will be other possible moments of disappointment. Some will want perfection in sailing through all of the celebration. Some will want it to just end.

While each of us will experience the holiday storm differently, be aware of two things; the storm will pass and that others will be weathering it with you. When you get too high or too low, look for a friend "in the whirlwind".

Enjoy your holiday season, enjoy the madness of it all and sail on to a great new year.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Maze Of Opportunity

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -Winston Churchill

Life can seem very much like a maze that has thousands of turns and dead ends. We find a promising path to take, only to find it ends abruptly at nothing. Other paths we take give us new adventure and experience while never getting us to the final destination.

All of these paths teach us more about our life and the world around us. If we pay attention close enough, we will not repeat some of the old paths that failed before. We begin to map out our life and what we did to get where we currently are.

Many people find it too difficult and reach a wall, only to stay there. Giving up is the only solution for their life. What they fail to understand is that each failed path is an opportunity to learn. It is in that learning where we build the chart that enables us to reach our goals.

Kierkegaard said, "Life must be lived forwards, but can only be understood backwards." We learn from our past with the vision of where we want to be. Without understanding the failed paths of our life, we are nearly doomed to constantly repeat them. The frustration will build until we either choose to give up or change our attitude.

Look forward to the life you want and learn from the path already taken. Keep searching and the correct path will eventually present itself.