Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Void of Loneliness

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." -Mother Teresa

Yesterday I wrote nothing, I posted nothing and nothing was read on that day. It was a day meant to spark a feeling of "missing" something in your daily routine. When you are used to having words to hear from someone else, not having that creates a void.

There are thousands upon thousands of people in our world that are alone this holiday season. Some are by their own choice. Others are simply alone due to circumstance. Many are by themselves due to death, divorce, or any of a number reasons.

Two things can happen which will fill the void of loneliness this holiday season. The emptiness can be filled throughout the year. It can change "two lives" in the blink of an eye. And it starts with simply connecting with each other. By simply acknowledging others around us, sharing a smile, saying hello or Merry Christmas. A spark of warmth will light a fire that chases the cold loneliness away.

If you are that person feeling lonely, there are tips and ideas to get you moving. One such tip is to "stop being lonely by reaching out to people." Pretty simple and probably easier said than done. In an article by Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen, this one tip about basic human contact starts to break down loneliness.

Laurie says that something as simple as chatting with the barista in a coffee shop can help with separation loneliness. It is connecting with others that slowly dissolves and brings you into a great new world. there are other tips in the article, but as I started out, it starts with connection.

Those of you that are not lonely can also have an impact on the lonely. It begins by reaching out to others you normally wouldn't. Again, its about making connections and can start with just a small gesture. In an article on the subject of loneliness, it indicates that a small gesture (an offhand invitation to lunch), is often the better antidote. A simple connection, a simple act of kindness extended into the void of someone's loneliness will begin to fill their life.

Loneliness comes in many different forms and becomes very heightened during a holiday season. The weight of feeling lonely can be crushing and the only way to lift it is with two people. A connection is made and things begin to change.

Don't let another holiday pass by in a void of loneliness. Fill it with connections and AVoid loneliness in your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Families Made Of Love

"The family is one of nature's masterpieces." -George Santayana

Yes, the last 50 years have seen a huge rise in divorce with the U.S. having the highest of any industrialized nation. Cohabitation rather than marriage, "blended" families of both gay and heterosexual design, and children born out of wedlock are common these days.

But regardless of what the family looks like today, how you live and nuture each other within the confines of that matter greatly. We each have defined roles that determine the structure of each family. The parents, the children and the love that exists within are the things that make a family.

We may not have as many "traditional" families as once there were, but families can still exist and do in many of the different forms. As long as there is love, respect and nuturing within those walls, the family will continue to exist.

As I returned from visiting my siblings and father, it has made me think about these words. We grew up in a traditional family and around non-traditional families. My wife and children make up the strings of a blended family that bind together a family put together by a marriage after divorce. We are a family many would consider oddly formed, but it is solid and filled with love.

Both types of family units have taught me quite a bit about life, about raising children, and about the love that binds us together. With love we can and do overcome the squabbles, the hurt feelings, and any other obstacles that get in the way. It is love that fills the voids and makes a family what it is.

So as you gather with your own family, make love the greatest part of your gathering. Hug each other. Say "I love you" to each other. Love the moments no matter what type of family you have.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Almost There

"We're almost there and nowhere near it. All that matters is we're going." -Gilmore Girls

One final week before Christmas, one final push towards the finish line of accomplishment. Its near, you can almost feel the warmth of the fireplace, the smell of hot cider and excitement of the Christmas lights. The anticipation grows and fills every pore in our bodies with excitement.

While we move towards our destination, remember that the journey is meant to be exciting as well.

Stay inspired my friends.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Best Laid Plan Of

"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -E. M. Forster

One of my favorite books is one written by John Steinbeck in 1937 called "Of Mice and Men." It is a parable of what it means to be human and is well worth the read if you have some extra time.

Steinbeck said in one of his journals that, "In every bit of honest writing in the world there is a base theme. Try to understand men, if you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate and nearly always leads to love. there are shorter means, many of them.There is writing promoting social change, writing punishing injustice, writing in celebration of heroism, but always that base theme. Try to understand each other."

What I love is the idea that the "best laid plans of mice and men tend to go awry." In fact the title of Steinbecks novel comes from a poem by the Scottish poet Robert Burns called "To a Mouse." The line regarding "mice 'n men" contains the line "The best-laid schemes Of Mice and Men often go awry." It is quite appropriate such that in Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men" contains Lenny and George's scheme that goes tragically awry — that is, off track.

So by now you are wondering why I would write of things not going as planned? The novel itself ends (spoiler alert) somewhat bittersweet and tragic. But not all is lost when things don't quite as planned. For me, I had hoped to have my new book out in time for Christmas. But due to production issues, it looks like January now.

I could fuss and fret over the delay and many of you have been waiting patiently for its release as well. While the "best laid plans of mice and Joe" prevail currently, the book will come out. And like anything we do in life, our plans may not necessarily work out as we would have wished. but we have the opportunity to adjust, to move on and succeed in other ways.

Have a great weekend folks and stay inspired.