Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Field in Your Life

And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy; And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.” ― Kahlil Gibran

I listened to a speaker once talk about a person's sphere of influence. A sphere of influence is that area or impact you can have on those that enter or pass through your life. Taken in its simplest form, this sphere is your family, friends, co-workers, people in the store you shop at, where you buy your gas, church and everything you do.

During these moments of interaction, how you speak, conduct yourself and the way you respond is a chance to impact another person's life. If you think about it, everywhere you go you create a sphere of influence.

As the saying goes "wherever you go, there you are", so is your ability to impact people.

What this means is that your influence and ability to impact people moves with you. In example, when I travel outside of the United States, many say to me that I will be out of my comfort zone or out of my environment.

But my environment is all around me where ever I go. I carry my own environment with me and those I meet are entering into my field as I like to call it. A field you may wonder?

Just know that as you move about in your daily life, wherever you go, you can have impact on others.

Try not to lose any opportunity to engage and create change. And stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Put it Down and Look Up

Lift your eyes and do what you can for someone today, large or small.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Paying Forward

"I guess it's hard for people who are so used to things the way they are - even if they are bad - to change. Cause they kind of give up. And when they do, everybody kind of loses." - Trevor McKinney, Pay It Forward

My notes from the road today are about serving others.

Paying it forward is not a new idea and has been written about before. There was a very nice movie with the same name which did quite well. The idea of "paying it forward" also does quite well in our lives and that is what I am here to talk about.

Our lives are truly impacted by the acts of others. You will notice I did not say our life is determined by others. We are impacted by others and our response or attitude towards them are of our own doing. 

The principle of paying it forward is not a self serving way of life. You don't perform these acts expecting anything in return. The idea is to do one good thing for three other people. All you ask of these people is that they each do the same for three more people each. 

Think of it as "network marketing" but only with goodness intended. Instead of three people recruiting three people to build you up. What you are building up is so more in that you are building up people and they in turn are doing the same. You are that pebble dropped in the water, rippling outward to impact other people. 

It is easy to do and all I ask is for you to try and do something good for at least one other person today. Don't ask for anything in return but do ask that person to do something good for another. So on and so forth life goes, making it a little better for each one of us.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, March 09, 2015

A New Sun

You see but your shadow when you turn your back to the sun.” ― Kahlil Gibran

What is happening in your life right now, this very instance? Are you trying to dig yourself out of a hole financially, relationship or any one of a number of circumstances? Is the darkness of your situation covering you with a blanket of despair?

Each of us go through many of the calamities one reads or hears about every day. There is a parking ticket under the windshield wiper after an especially tough customer meeting. It might be a broken arm after slipping on the icy steps at home. You find mounting medical bills with no pleasant options of overcoming either.

The daily things which happen to lots of people, of all genders, race and social status. Yes, all of us go through things and many of us allow the darkness to encase us in its shadow.

Yet the light of a rising sun can bring hope to our life. The warm rays of light upon our face can renew us and chase away the darkness if we allow it to.

Never give up on the possibilities which exist. The darkness will fade and great things will come upon your life. A warm and brilliant day awaits you.

Stay inspired my friends.