Monday, March 23, 2015

Ten 4 Five - Day One

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Mark Twain

This week I am going to take five days to say something nice about ten people each day. It is a challenge that helps remind us of the goodness that does surround each of us.

We can easily fall into complaint of others and even when we do say something nice, the words are unrememberable. So the challenge is to say something meaningful to ten people, each day, for five days. You can do this with the people you encounter each day, a long lost relative or in any fashion you wish to do so. I happen to blog and will do so here; the daily encounters I have will also be added encounters.

It will be tough to do but I know that each of you can. Do this often enough and it will become habit. Do this often enough and it will change their world and it will change your world. Stay inspired my friends.

Day One - let me start with family, where my heart truly resides.

1. Laura Primm

My wife, my friend, the one I love has a heart so big and true. You have an impact with every person you come in contact with such that they cannot help but be changed in a positive way. My life is constantly made better by your presence.

2. Joe Primm

Top line chef, health guru and compassionate person. Yes, you produce something great each and every day.

3. Jessica Campbell

Grit and determination are your greatness. Your perseverance will bring even greater things.

4. Dan Primm

Warrior and gentle father of Madilyn, those combined traits make you a great leader of men.

5. Sarra Everett

Essence of what others need; protection when vulnerable and a guide to the light they need.

6. Jon Primm

Pushing through physical hurdles to achieve what others only dream about; your career will shine bright.

7. Shirin Fletcher

Few words to describe the mountains you have achieved. Your greatness is only beginning.

8. Steve Primm

Your music, your passion, that talent is something to be shared with the world. The stage awaits you.

9. Pareesa Sarabi

People are simply better once you have been with them; your greatness is only beginning to take shape.

10. All the rest of my family

Such a large and supportive group of people. From my father, my siblings, to in-laws, the cousins, to nieces and nephews. Each of you help shape and influence the person I am and continue to be. Each of you are wonderfully talented, wonderfully compassionate and simply wonderful.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Always Something Good

"When the seasons shift, even the subtle beginning, the scent of a promised change, I feel something stir inside me. Hopefulness? Gratitude? Openness? Whatever it is, it's welcome." - Kristin Armstrong

Did you feel it happen?

Was there a big shift in what you expected from yesterday to today?

This Friday morning, March 20, 2015, the March equinox occurred at 6:45 PM EDT. The equinox marks when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, an imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator from the southern hemisphere to the northern. A seasonal change of winter to spring in the northern hemisphere and summer to fall in the southern hemisphere.

This natural change in the seasons always brings renewed excitement for those entering a spring and for those entering fall. Spring will mean planting of new dreams and fall is the harvest of those same dreams.

Either way, the natural order of the seasons means something good always awaits us.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Who Are We

DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleicantidisestablishmentarianism, a complex string of syllables.” - Dave Barry

After watching various episodes of a television show named Who Do You Think You Are? on the NBC network, I was convinced to get my DNA tested. A search into the smallest of particles that make up who I am was intriguing to me. The website has a link for DNA testing which is rather simple to take, but complicated in the science of how it is looked at.

I had no preconceived notions about getting a nicely packaged history of my family such as the television program depicted. Having watched my mother research our genealogy for a number of years and having done so myself, it can be very difficult. It takes time, money, patience and lots of investigation. But it can be very rewarding when you find that one document which has a name on it. Honestly, it is an exciting moment to find a name on a U.S. Census from 1880, knowing it is a connection to your past.

My particular DNA test gave me a bit more information about my past, but more importantly it documented who I am for future generations. One day I will be in the same category as my current day ancestors. Heck, I am a parent so therefore I am technically an ancestor already. But this DNA test was able to tell me even more.

- Did it confirm things I have believed about my ancestors?
- Did it reveal something totally unexpected?
- Did it create a connection to people I would never have thought possible?

The unknown is quite exciting as opposed to being worried.

Some people asked me, "What if you find out something horrible?" My answer was "Okay, no problem, I'll deal with it." Finding out about the unknown can actually open new possibility. It can open new doors and put to rest that which we carried for years. The unknown has changed lives. My expectation was to let it reveal itself as another piece to the puzzle of my life.

It fills in the story of who I was for my children and generations to come.

Sounds a bit self important and it is not meant to be. Finding out about the unknown helps us learn more about who we are. If we can figure it out while living can help us achieve more in that life. Facing our fears of the unknown also helps us take one more step in overcoming obstacles in life.

We can't live in fear of the unknown.

We may not like what we find, we may be overjoyed by what we find. Either way, the tiniest parts of our life will have as much impact as the largest parts. DNA could stand for "Do Not Ask", but I choose to ask who I am. Let the smallest pieces of you reveal something about your life. They are there for the asking and may reveal the very thing you have been searching for.

Stay inspired my friends.