Friday, September 25, 2015

Star Team or A-Trek


Promotional photo of the cast of Star Trek during the third season (1968–1969).
From left to right: James Doohan, Walter Koenig, DeForest Kelley, Majel Barrett,
William Shatner, Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, and George Takei.

What if we could combine a group of space travelers exploring far off galaxies with a rough and tough 1980s story line?

Hmmm, what would we have....

Enjoy your weekend everyone and stay inspired!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Look Alive Folks

"You guard against decay, in general, and stagnation, by moving, by continuing to move." - Mary Daly

A few years back we encountered a couple of nesting Turkey Buzzards outside my office building. Interestingly, they wandered around our first floor window, taking a moment every now and then to peck at their reflection in the window.

These birds are also known in some areas as Turkey Vultures. They are part grand, part (pardon the expression) ugly looking to put it simply. Being a scavenger bird, they feed primarily on carrion, which is just a nice word to describe dead things.

Part of natures cycle of life.

Buzzards feed upon those things you see along our roadways and elsewhere. Which means they have their place in the grander scheme of life. Yet watching them sit and stare, waiting for the living to stop is fascinating. Sitting with patience and determination looking for an opportunity to pounce upon and feed.

In a certain sense, life can have the same effect.

When we stop moving forward and become motionless in living life itself, does nature view us in the same manner? Weeds and vines will begin to circle our feet and legs, starting a process of encircling our very existence. Soon we will struggle to even move from the place we sit, motionless; almost lifeless.

The buzzards in life, the mean and black-hearted people who do exist will remain patient. Waiting and waiting for the moment to pounce upon anything you hold onto. They will steal those last bits of hope or dreams you keep inside.

The circle of life waiting for the next moment.

Yet there is always an opportunity to break free from the binding of vines. Unbinding ourselves from those things we allow to hold us back. In doing so we can move forward and ward off the buzzards circling overhead.

One small movement towards a small piece of hope can cut us free.

With one step forward the strength will begin to build. Another vine broken and the other leg breaks free. Two steps towards something greater. Your movement will disinterest the buzzards for they only look for the motionless. The birds will move on to look for other potential carrion.

Your sky will become clear as will the destination. So look alive when you see the turkey buzzards staring at you. There is a lot of living to do and not living it is for the birds.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Seeing The Bigger Picture

When science finally locates the center of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they're not it.” - Bernard Bailey

Many of us have seen these pictures showing the relative size of the planets in our solar system. The pictures are an amazing view of how we and our earth fit into the larger solar system.

As you begin to step back from your own small space here on earth, you begin to see how much larger the picture is.

If we look to our own Sun, it is amazing to see how small earth is relative to an even bigger picture.

Our Sun becomes small when compared to other places within the universe. Stepping back further, it becomes obvious there are other things much larger than our own existence.

So large it becomes difficult to wrap our minds around the enormity of it.

If we step back and view the bigger picture around us, there are so many others and so much more we can do. But we have to step out of a self-centered way of thinking. All of this does not mean to say we are small and insignificant. What it means is there is a world, a life, much larger than our own.

Look outside of oneself and find something even greater.

When we reach out beyond our own small self, everything thing will start to come into focus. Life will become more clear when we expand our world, but it all starts with seeing the bigger picture.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Finding The Good

"There are a million reasons you can find to tear someone down. Work to find that one reason to build them up." - Dean Sweetman

It seems very easy to find what is wrong in this world or in people. The weather is too hot or too cold. The government is too over bearing. My co-worker is lazy. There is so much we go on about. There certainly is a lot of bad in this world.

The truth is there is a lot of good in this world.

We should attempt to acknowledge all those things which are good around us. This is especially true with the people we come in contact with. And this also means family and friends with whom we can sometimes be the cruelest.

Do not consider this a "can't we all just get along" statement.

What I am referring to is our inclination to be critical of others. The reason we do is because it draws attention away from our own shortcomings. But when you tear others down, you are actually tearing yourself down. The whole "reap what you sow" idea comes to mind.

Think about how you interact with your spouse or children. Do you find conversations beginning with, "why didn't you" or "how could you"? When was the last time you praised them for just being them, for a small talent or gift they have?

Good things outnumber the negative if you look close enough.

Look for the good things and praise the person for them. It does not take a lot to find goodness in someone, it only takes you trying. Goodness will be reaped in the due course of time. Build up others and you it will build you up as well.

Stay inspired my friends!