Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Colors Of Our Life

When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!” ― Ted Grant

The picture above shows my Grandpa Gale, my mother Rose, my Grandma Gale and my Uncle Art. I believe it was taken back in 1950 in Sioux City, Iowa which seems eons ago.

For many years, I wondered if color even existed in those early days because all of the pictures were in black and white. Even television had no color early on.

Yet I know color existed if only because my mother Rose Marie was here on earth. She brought the beauty of color into life with her presence and I do miss her smile.

Happy birthday Mom and love you.

Love, hug and smile with others while you can. Embrace the colors they bring into this world and stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Waves of Change

Having a vested interest in other souls unconditionally creates a ripple effect that produces miracles in the lives of those around us.
Molly Friedenfeld

Just recently a large winter storm swept across the U.S. There were hundreds of thousands of people deeply affected by the cold, snow and flooding. There were also many who took time out from their day to help these individuals.

Different points in life present opportunity to help others.

There is an insurance commercial from a few years back which depicts different types of opportunities which occur in the most mundane way. I would hesitate here and state that commercials are not necessarily the best forum to learn about life. Yet at times, advertisements can teach us basic principles about living even though the intent is to sell us on something.

You can find the commercial titled "Responsibility" at the link provided or watch it below. This particular insurance company is Liberty Mutual and depicts one person making a choice to do one thing for another.

A ripple effect upon others helping others begins.

I have spoken of this ripple effect previously regarding the choices and actions we take in life. Like a pebble dropped in the water, small vibrations begin to flow out from this one seemingly insignificant event. As the flow moves further and further, the vibrations grow into waves.

Eventually a great wave breaks at waters edge.

You can have an impact in life with your small actions of helping others. Those actions carry beyond through others further and further. It is unlikely you will see the wave on the outer edges. And sometimes you do and it is a wonderful feeling to see.

Yet the crashing wave is spectacular.

Like surfers riding atop these giant waves crashing with final impact upon the beach, your simple movement results in waves of impact on a greater world. Others will ride this wave of movement to a destination of greatness.

Other people will also create movement based upon your actions. Pebbles in the water with circles of change moving out from their own center will create waves on which you can ride when they come along.

It may be said it creates a rough pool of water, yet in calm water a boat remains still, motionless with little chance of getting anywhere. But a breeze comes along and the boat begins to move.

Your movement begins and the waves begin to form.

Change begins and life will never be the same for you are moving towards something great. Create waves in your life by helping others and then catch the waves of change which come back your way.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Communicate - Can You Hear Me?

#MondayMinder from February, 2011

"Communicate, communicate, and then communicate some more."
- Bob Nelson

Can you hear me now?!

It happens to each of us. A situation occurs between two or more people. Feelings get hurt or misunderstandings arise. One person thought the other knew something or another did not give the whole story.

The problem is normally caused by a lack of communication.

It is a pure and simple explanation for many of the problems which occur in our life.

The lack of communication could be intentional or at other times inadvertent. But in the end, if we just keep talking to each other we will avoid many of the misunderstandings which get in the way of a great life.

Keep talking, keep communicating and life will be a whole lot easier.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Massive Blizzard

He who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The snow is coming and as predicted by Frankie, it will be a massive one for the east coast. Many will prepare and many will not. There will be misery but there will also be joy from the circumstances encountered by such a storm. The weather predictions may sound dire indeed, but what will each of those impacted do?

For now, preparation is the best course of action.

Preparing for the worst or preparing for the best in outcomes is your choice. But getting ourselves ready and doing some level of planning is always the best course. A sailor lost at sea does not simply bring his sails down and allow the current to drift him in circles. The sailor uses the stars and the wind to plan a direction on which to take course.

Preparation is the best course of action.

Try to prepare in everything that you do. Make plans before those plans have to be used. While not every plan works as planned, most do and the circumstance encountered will more easily be overcome. But it starts with planning before the snow storm begins. It begins with you.

Stay safe, stay warm and help others that may need the assistance. You just might make a new friend along the way.

And stay inspired my friends!