Friday, February 19, 2016

What Is The Center

Of all the brouhahas of the universe, human problem is the problem.
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

A Catholic cleric by the name of Nicolas Copernicus was born today, February 19, in 1473. He was also a mathematician and astronomer who proposed the idea that the Sun rather than the Earth was at the center of our universe.

The idea that man is not at the center of everything.

How often have you run into folks who act even today as if they themselves are the center of the universe? There is an actual word for these type of people. They are called egoists, people who believe (knowingly or not) in egoism.

Egoism is a belief that an individual's own self-interest is the reason for all of their conscious actions and is a valid reason for all of those actions. How we measure our own self-interest is measured by our ego.

We all have some level of self-interest.

Where a person falls on the spectrum of ego, self-interest, or any other definition can create debate on the value of self-centered action. Does a self-centered person do everything at the expense of others? Or is it done for the attention of self-importance?

I have self-interest in preservation of my life on a biological level. But I also believe it takes a community of people working together in some fashion to live a great life. I am not talking about communism, socialism or a hippy ideal. Nor am I talking about a feudalistic society on the other end of working together.

Decency in helping your fellow human.

If we step outside of our own self-interest and help others, we start to see how our life is impacted for the better. We start to see a better world evolve. If the "human problem is the problem" then "human solution is the solution."

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Our Windows

If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.” - Tom Peters

Life constantly presents us new opportunity. Big or small, these windows of opportunity appear before us. The chance to tip just a little bit more at the restaurant which helps a hard-working single mother or working college student. Maybe it is by extending a genuine thank you in return for another person's kindness.

Opportunity varies in size and impact.

Some of these may seem insignificant while others are so large we back away from them. We "pull the shade down" because we feel inadequately prepared. But when that window of opportunity opens for you, move towards it and take in the view.

No one is ever fully prepared for opportunity.

Being able to see the opportunity presented gives us vision for our life. Looking out at each of the opportunities, taking hold of them and experiencing each one; this ability becomes a part of your life. The opportunity becomes ours, so never close that shade.

Grasp onto each opportunity because they are yours.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Race To Relate

Heart and character have no gender, religion nor color.
Charles Spencer King

It took millions of years for the Sun and biology to create our different skin colors.
But it takes human intelligence to understand it, accept it and live with it.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Open Mind

Where there is an open mind there will always be a frontier.” - Charles F. Kettering

It was very early one morning, only 5:50 AM without any light trying to paint the day just yet. I was leaving my hotel for an early start on a two-hour drive. Just across the street stood an open McDonalds Restaurant. It was a chance to grab a morning coffee for the long drive ahead.

A few people sat, reading a morning paper or enjoying their "Mc-whatever". I was more interested in a large coffee to go in order. My haste was in hitting the road early. But as I made my way from the counter, an older gentleman came up to me.

He asked me, "Do you have an open mind?"

Startled and defensive at first, I asked him about what? He simply asked again if I have an open mind, continuing with "an open mind about life in general." Quickly I tried to assess his motive for asking and then simply responded, "Yes, I do have an open mind."

He responded, "That is great, have a good day."

I left the restaurant repeating in my mind what had just happened. Maybe I was overthinking it too much. Maybe I was finding it much more profound then it really was. It did make me consider what the question meant.

As we live our lives, do we have an open mind to the changes which can and will occur? Are we open to possibility, to love, to greatness, or just to doing things differently?

After a few miles driven down the road I was able to finally ease off of the question. Before I did, there was a definite sense, a real belief, that I do have an open mind. I have the ability to accept new things in my life. Not always easily but then not everything in life is easy to accept.

Do you have an open mind which will allow you to accept possibility?

Is your mind open enough to imagine greater things for your life?

Brave new adventures exist out there that will take you to bigger things. All you have to do is open your mind.

Stay inspired my friends.