Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pulling Open The Door

"A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of." - Ogden Nash

You hear a dog barking. A dog standing behind a closed door, barking at whatever lay beyond it. He senses that something is on the other side but can not get to it. His curiosity drives him to seek out the door every day, possibly hoping the door is open.

Are you standing behind a closed door?

Do you go through life wondering if greater things exist beyond your current circumstances? Does your curiosity have you seek out the door in hope that it is open? If the door handle is there, why have we not tried to open it?

Each of us have a yearning to see what is beyond a closed door. And we each have the ability to find out by simply opening the door and walking through. In a book I wrote, Changed Lives, the stories vary, but each person chose to walk through a door to find a new way.

The hardest part is choosing to open the door.

The door in your life could be one of many different choices or obstacles. It is keeping you from believing in new possibilities. We trap ourselves behind these doors we have erected. They are limitations built by us.

We tell ourselves this is all we can do; that nothing else possible lay beyond what we are. Slowly we install the door frame, adding the hinges which will hold our door. Suddenly one day you push the door shut and with a click of the latch, you have closed all possibility.

Any door closed can also be opened.

I have seen it happen to so people. I have experienced it myself. It is a wonderful thing once you simply believe in yourself. To see life transform into something greater is a fantastic feeling. To have the courage to pull open the door.

It can be done, you can do it. All it takes is stepping up to that door, grabbing the handle and opening the door. The light might blind and disorient you at first. But then the light will warm you. Your eyes will begin to see things with more clarity.

Now simply walk through the door and begin to experience the change.

Change and experience a life full on the other side of that closed door. And stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Phone Message


To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.” ― Mary Oliver

An answering machine that just might be real in our dreams. In honor of school letting out early today in our local school district.

Did that just happen?

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Standing By In Patience

The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.” ― Paulo Coelho

This is one of those trying weeks with quite a few things going on at work and home. Do not get me wrong, I am pretty happy with my life and things are pretty darn good.

Like everyone though ... some days can be a challenge.

Each of us get to struggle with getting to be where we want and being happy with what we have along the way. The patience to for all that we want in life but also the patience in dealing with what we get once there.

The week will pass ... the challenges will be overcome.

The program will continue, the next show will be broadcast and life will ultimately be a great adventure.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, February 19, 2016

What Is The Center

Of all the brouhahas of the universe, human problem is the problem.
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

A Catholic cleric by the name of Nicolas Copernicus was born today, February 19, in 1473. He was also a mathematician and astronomer who proposed the idea that the Sun rather than the Earth was at the center of our universe.

The idea that man is not at the center of everything.

How often have you run into folks who act even today as if they themselves are the center of the universe? There is an actual word for these type of people. They are called egoists, people who believe (knowingly or not) in egoism.

Egoism is a belief that an individual's own self-interest is the reason for all of their conscious actions and is a valid reason for all of those actions. How we measure our own self-interest is measured by our ego.

We all have some level of self-interest.

Where a person falls on the spectrum of ego, self-interest, or any other definition can create debate on the value of self-centered action. Does a self-centered person do everything at the expense of others? Or is it done for the attention of self-importance?

I have self-interest in preservation of my life on a biological level. But I also believe it takes a community of people working together in some fashion to live a great life. I am not talking about communism, socialism or a hippy ideal. Nor am I talking about a feudalistic society on the other end of working together.

Decency in helping your fellow human.

If we step outside of our own self-interest and help others, we start to see how our life is impacted for the better. We start to see a better world evolve. If the "human problem is the problem" then "human solution is the solution."

Stay inspired my friends!