Saturday, May 27, 2006

Change Your Attitude, Cause Change In Your Life

My apologies to those that are regular readers of my blog. I have been on vacation this week along with the graduation of a son, so it has been a busy week. In this time, I have had chance to hear many great and inspirational words from various speakers. Graduation time tends to bring out the inspiring ability of many people.

My son and his graduating class chose a quote by author Barbara Hall that reads, "the path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matter is that we embark." Stop a moment and think about what is being said. Something that I repeat from time to time in my own articles. You will never get to your destination if you do not start.

You can spend nearly your entire life life trying to decide which road to follow. Should I go left should I get that degree, maybe start a business or maybe buy another map. Get up and go...for as I've said many times, "movement causes change." There is nothing keeping you from doing so but your own self limiting thoughts. The world is great and large with loads of opportunity for both failure and success. But you will never find either by sitting still, studying a map, plotting forever the course you want to take.

My sons and daughters are moving and seeing change occur. They as many other young people do will flounder and succeed, disappoint and inspire while finding that which is the course of their lives. They must never forget that in life, you can always change again should they find the road not what they expected, make a move to change.

As we of the older generation should also know is that we too can change. There are many different roads available to us. But the first step is movement, movement towards something and you will see change occur in your life.

Congratulations to all of the newly graduating high school seniors around the world. The same can be said for all of the newly graduated college folks. And finally, congratulations to all of you who have taken those steps in which "movement causes change."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Attitude On The Airwaves

As a rule I tend not to listen to radio or TV talk shows of those such as Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz or Bill O'Reilly. Around the dial you will find conservative, liberal and a few middle of the road types. Many have shows that bring out opinions of varying intensity which really can be informative for people to consider. Nor would I want to deny people to have or listen to the opinions of their talented hosts.

What I do find on all of them is a certain 'mean' attitude towards others at varying times. I would not call these shows cruel always but I do find that it happens with a certain regularity. In life as you debate or make a point, one can get very passionate about their belief. On these talk shows though, it is about ratings and ultimately the money. I would dare to say that none of the hosts does it strictly for the ability to change public opinion.

The media companies that carry their shows are not in it strictly for public service. It comes back to the ratings and money. So I certainly understand how our public discourse through these shows can become very bi-polar. You see I firmly believe that a vast majority of people live closer to the middle.

So to get beyond a political discussion, which is not my intent to discuss but to talk of how points are made. Many times in the talk, those that are simply trying to get through life the best way they know how are the recipient of a sometimes cruel oratory. Sometimes it is for the ratings and sometimes for driving home a point. Do you find yourself doing the same?

Life is complicated and all of us do the best we can. When you take out your rage on others or use them in a mean fashion, what does that make you? I'm not asking, 'gee, if life were all flowers and candy." What I am saying is that you do not have to take out your rage on others or even belittle others to make your point.

When you find yourself in such a situation, politely and quietly excuse yourself from it. Turn off the radio or change the channel. There will be plenty others left to listen to the noise. Your life is too important to you and moving on is better. Allow yourself not to be stressed out by that level of discussion on a daily basis. Find new ways to engage in the conversation for talking and more importantly listening is how we grow. Adapt to a new way of life, calm the noise and distractions for a better you.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Da Vinci Code Attitude

This weekend I went to the movies to see 'The DaVinci Code" and see what the fuss was all about. For all of the concerns by people over what the movie says and attempts to depict, it was a bit under whelming in controversy.

I'm certainly not a movie critic but as a regular person, I do watch movies and in turn spend money on those movies. This article isn't intended to persuade or dissuade you from seeing the movie or to debate the material aspects of the story line. What I would like to use it for is a bit of object lesson in attitude.

From the time of the original release of the book on through the filming of this movie, many people have risen either in arms or taken up the cause of it. As the movie was released, the debate intensified and now the judging public will decide. My own thought is that as a thrilling mystery story it was good. It became difficult at times to follow though and seemed to be quite long. Meaning it took to long to get to the point.

What I do like about the movie is that it challenges our beliefs and stirs debate. Whether you believe that the information is factual or not, it is just a movie - not a documentary. So how do you react to something that challenges your beliefs and attitudes? Are you a defiant radical? Do you become depressed at the thought of it? Or are you willing to objectively view and discuss the situation?

Attitude does not mean being inflexible nor does it mean giving up your core beliefs. Attitude does mean that you are willing and able to handle having those core beliefs challenged. I have my own thoughts regarding the movie and its contents including the book. Faith is what it is and you need to be strong enough to listen and not be threatened by different beliefs.

What is good is that there is debate and to have people challenged. By doing so, your attitudes are challenged and with all things in life that challenge you, having a positive outlook or attitude about those challenges will get you through it.

“I do believe that when we face challenges in life that are far beyond our own power, it's an opportunity to build on our faith, inner strength, and courage. I've learned that how we face challenges plays a big role in the outcome of them.” - Sasha Azevedo

Friday, May 12, 2006

Charting Your Attitude

Billy Graham once said, "we do not understand the intricate pattern of the stars in their courses, but we know that He who created them does and that just as surely as He guides them, He is charting a safe course for us." The quote is one mans vision of how we can face an uncertain future. It is a tough thing to go through when it is yourself facing bad times.

Those low spots in your life can always be countered by thinking of those high spots in life. The next thing you can do is one small positive thing. Smile at someone you pass on the street, open a door for another or maybe help out another individual in some small way. The things you do in a positive way will build upon itself. And keeping your attitude strong in spite of down times is of utmost importance.

As you work your way through this, listen to others and know that many are their to help you through these times. Surround yourself with these people not to pour your problems on but to help build yourself up. Many of us have been through the valley and know of your pain. A safe course is being charted for you, read the signs and follow it to a better life.