Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Chart Your Life

The diagram is for you to print out and rate yourself on the six areas of your life. The wheel is patterned after one put out by Leadership Management, Inc. in 1991. It is a good way to start yourself on a path to a greater life.

It is simple enough to use as there are nine pegs on each spoke. The peg closest to the center or hub (YOU) is equal to one. The next one out equals two, so on and so forth with the last peg equaling nine. Place an 'x' on the peg at which you believe this part of your life is at. Do this for each spoke of the wheel.

This is not a contest but a way of comparing each spoke within your life. You will notice there is no number ten peg. Ten is commonly associated with being perfect and as a person that is growing and understands how life is, we know we'll never be perfect. We can be very good at things and strive for greatness - but it is balance among all of the spokes that is important.

When you have finished, look over each of the spokes and see which ones need work. The low marked ones are where you start. Just start is what you want to do to bring balance into life. As you balance out these areas of your life - and remember it is to have balance, not that all spokes have to be nines - things will work better. One part of your life can pick up for the other should you experience a down turn in another.

A great life is yours to have - balance out your life and experience it.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Staying Physically Fit

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” - Unknown Author

This last two spokes of a well-rounded wheel follow with the mental and physical aspects of our life. All spokes together create a wheel that allows us to achieve a greater life.

Mental and Emotional

The greeting is simple and most people pass on it without giving much thought to it. The act of someone asking, "how are you?" Do you stop and ask yourself that question? Do you really know how you are feeling or simply passing through time.

Every so often you need to sit back and examine your own mental and emotional state. Think about whether or not you've yelled at someone while driving. The stress level sometimes builds on us and our emotions can boil to the surface. Relieving the stress will help you to control your emotions. Don't let your emotions rule your life.

Find ways to ease back and relax from time to time. Then think about where your mind is at. If your emotions and mental state are tipping in a bad way, then the other parts of your life are effected. You don't perform nearly as well and life just seems to 'get in the way'. Work on this part of your life and if need be, get help. There is nothing wrong with seeking assistance to work out this area of 'you'.

Physical and Health

The last time you walked up a flight of stairs, were you breathing heavily? Can you do some of the same things you did a year ago when it comes to physical movement? Your ability to maintain health is directly related to how much physical activity you maintain. This year, my wife and I are participating in the Peachtree Roadrace. A 10K Run that of course we will walk along with most of the other 55,000 other runners/walkers.

Staying physically fit will help you keep your health longer in life. You will feel better and more able to function at a higher peak. All of us can use a bit more exercise and many find it difficult to find the time. It is certainly easier to sleep in or simply collapse on the couch after a long day at work.

If we work only partly as hard on our physical health as we do our job, the benefits would be tremendous. A quick walk around the block before or after work. Eating an apple for a snack instead of that candy bar. One less beer and maybe more water to drink is doable. Starting small will gradually build you up.

To do the things you want to do in life, being physically able to matters an awful lot. We as humans tend to think we are invincible but time and age do catch up with us. So if you are not happy with your current level of physical health, start doing something. Maybe you already work out, are you ready to take your health and fitness to the next level? There will be sacrifice of some sort to achieve fitness goals. Start with achievable goals, ones that are just out of reach. Then start today even if you haven't worked it all out yet. You'll feel better for it.

On Wednesday I'll provide a diagram of the six spokes that you can print out. Each spoke will contain a scale that you can rate yourself on. Then take it upon yourself to work on these areas of your life. Get the wheel in motion to a greater life for you and those around you.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Your Values and Family Life

Continuing with my series on the six spokes to a great life, spokes three and four. "Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life." - Buddha

Spiritual and Moral

In your life, have you determined what your personal values are in life? I mean really sat down one day and thought about what it is you believe or don't believe in. Things relating to money, job, sex, politics and religion are areas filled with vast ranges of spiritual and moral possibility. Where do you stand on these?

As it was spoken to me, "are you living up to those personal values?" If you take your place in values relating to religion and God is important to you, do your values reflect your beliefs? The same can be asked of your job. Does the way you conduct yourself at work conflict or fall in line with your religious thoughts.

This area of life can be complicated and so many aspects are woven together. But if you work to establish simple values and then apply them to other areas of your life, it can work out. I'm not talking about 'imposing' your beliefs on others. I'm talking about having beliefs or values and striving to live by them. It isn't easy and at the same time you need to have an open ear to others. Have spiritual life that helps you establish your morals. It will strengthen this part of your life.

Family and Home

Recently I had the opportunity to see a movie called CLICK that tells the story of a man whose life is wrapped up in his job. His belief being that if he pours more energy into his job, it will provide more opportunity for his family. Sadly, he gets all that he wants for his family yet loses much of what he had 'with' his family.

Many of us will tend to work very hard in our jobs. Work harder, make more money, your family can have more. I for one was very much like this and some hard lessons were learned. Your family needs more then your success and added income. They need your time and your presence.

Do you spend enough time with your spouse, watching your kids grow, talking about life to them and about them? Your kids will watch and learn from what you do. They will either grow away from you or become like you. It is a difficult balance to maintain when the pressures of your job or business demand so much of you. But try not to short change this part of your life. To wake up one day and wish things had been different is difficult to deal with.

Make a change now and spend extra time talking to your spouse, to your kids and just being there. As the movie indicated, don't be on 'auto-pilot'. Engage yourself in this wonderful part of life called family.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Life Spokes One & Two

When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life.
- Abert F. Geoffrey

The first two spokes of ones life have to do with your money and your life withing society. Each are described here. As noted in my previous article, ther are six spokes the complete the wheel of your life. All must be in working order for your life to move forward and achieve greatness.

Financial and Career

So just how much do you enjoy your job. Myself, I love getting up and going to work each day. The people I work with and the type of work I do is great. Everyday I feel like I am contributing something to the company and I get paid a decent wage.

In your life, can you say the same thing? If not, then change needs to happen and it is up to you to do so. What you do for a living, how much you enjoy it and the money you earn performing your job function are all related. One effects the other - if you are not happy, you likely are not performing well which means you don't earn as much.

If you are earning, are you giving back part of your money to society. Maybe to your church, to a charitable organization close to you or maybe directly to others in need. By giving of your money, you will feel better about yourself. It also creates in different ways a return of goodness to you as well. But you say you don't have much money, then start small. Maybe five dollars or ten.

So create your own destiny within your finances and career. Don't spend more then you make as debt is a serious problem. Adjust your budget and spending habits to the level of your earnings. Doing so means you will have less financial stress, feel better and perform better at work. Your performance goes up and most likely your earning.

Social and Cultural

Do you have friends in your life? A recent CBS NEWS Health Watch story indicates that "...most people's circle of confidants is on average about one person smaller now. The percentage of people who say they have no one to confide in has reached about 25%." All of us need those one or two close confidants. People that the article refers to as a "discussion network" — people you reach out to for help, advice, or just as a sounding board. In the new research, they say the network is important because it shapes "the kinds of people we become."

How do you develop these friendships? By having a life outside of work that allows you to draw back and recharge. It also rounds you out better as a person, to be in tune with what is happening in the world around you. You can better effect the world around you when you understand it and engage in it.

Be a part of the world around you - make changes to strengthen these areas of your life.