Thursday, October 06, 2005

Don't Go Away - Just Smile

I'm traveling to Bangkok this week to present at a conference of service professionals. So I might be a bit late in posting over the next few days. I always enjoy the diversity of presenting in different geographies as the type and level of customer service can vary. What may be deemed good service in Thailand would be considered over the top in Ireland.

The people all vary of course as you can imagine. But in the bigger picture, everyone really remains the same. They get up in the morning and get the kids ready for school, fight traffic getting into work and labor through the day earning their living. They make their way home in the evening to make supper, relax a bit and maybe a school or church function to attend. It is then off to bed to try and get enough sleep to do it all over again the next day.

Having a positive attitude and bringing a smile to others does cross international borders and languages. It is amazing how a smile to someone can light up their day. Combining confidence in oneself and a simple kind gesture can make a change in your work life, in your family life and in your everyday life.

So "kor hai chok dee" (good luck) with your smile and pass it on.

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