Thursday, October 20, 2005

Live On The New Oil Of Life

Are you stuck in an old way of doing things? Are you convinced that things are moving along just fine, no need to change your attitude?

I listened to a speaker last night talk of change, stepping out and leadership. What I came away with was that many of us cruise along in life. A manner in which we feel that nothing needs to be done, leave things as they are for I am content. But to move ahead in life, to better your own life and effect change in others - you have to change.

From hearing what he had to say, I came up with the following belief. "We can live on the old oil of life, but our lives will be much better if we change and live on the new oil of life." The old can sustain your life for varying lengths of time. But eventually it slows you and causes more wear. With the new it invigorates and brings renewed positive changes into your life.

But how do you change your oil of life? For me, creating this blog was my first step in moving to do something. Expressing a belief in words was another change. The potential to do both is in everyone. You may not know what it is you want to do. My suggestion is to just move, do anything, make any change. It will come to you but standing still gets you nowhere.

Make a move to change and see that it makes a change in your life.

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