Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Defeat The Negative

You may be seeing that the theme of attitude matters in our daily lives. Without even trying, you can effect those around you. While at work, taking the high road and conducting yourself in a positive manner will eventually effect those around you. Should you be one that is always talking down your condition in life will take its toll on others.

This may sound like it goes against what I said in an earlier article that no one can dictate your attitude. What it means is that you can effect is up to those individuals to change their own behaviour. But even for yourself, constantly being in a negative environment will alter the way your attitude changes in subtle and destructive ways.

So as a person that wants the best in life for you, your family and those around aware of negative environments. Try to remove yourself from those conditions if possible. But know that you can effect change as well within negative environments by being positive. In the workplace, be the one to lead change, to lead others to a better life.

But wait...I don't want to carry that weight of responsibility! You're not carrying it, no one is holding you responsible for changing others. What you are responsible for is yourself. If you carry yourself out of the negative, others will follow in due time. And those that don't follow, then it becomes their loss. Do not allow them to drag you back into their condition.

"Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory." - Norman Vincent Peale

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