Friday, October 28, 2005

Maybe Change Jobs

There are those of you looking to change careers to better your condition. A change in attitude helps but you may say...a new environment, a new place to spread my wings. Are you ready for that kind of change?

In her book, "Radical Careering: 100 Truths to Jumpstart Your Job, Your Career, and Your Life", Sally Hogshead digs into ways which will help you make that jump. She speaks of several things but a few of the '100 radical truths' that ring home with me are;

- Being in a crap job isn’t your fault, but staying in a crap job is

How true this is. I hear people from time to time in my own business of how much they dislike what they do. Or just how bad the job is that they must perform. I happen to love my job and what I do so it is difficult to understand at times. But my first response to them is, 'then why not do something else?' No one is keeping you here, it isn't some external force that says you must work here. It is letting yourself blame others for your condition that is keeping you in that horrible, depressing job. Take responsibility and make a change.

- Mistakes are tuition

I have made so many in life that a whole series of college courses could be put together. But I'm not alone in this...everyone makes mistakes. I expect that mistakes will be made and lessons learned from them. It isn't that I am happy that mistakes were made nor do I purposely allow them to happen. But I do acknowledge that they will happen. Take time to be irritated with yourself in acknowledging a mistake, then move on...remember...SUMO from earlier articles.

- Make your memoirs worth reading

This is what everyone down deep has in them. How will I be able to look back over my life. How will others look back over my life. You may state that you don't really care..and there are those like that...but then again those folks wouldn't be reading my words. Make it a story to be proud of, one that can give insight to others to guide them, to offer inspiration to others, to simply be able to look back with no regrets that you didn't try harder to make the world a little bit better place to live in.

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