Monday, October 31, 2005

Riding Lifes Journey

Where does one come out in the end once change begins? Are you looking for a final answer, the prize or the brass ring? You've smiled at someone, allowed a yielding car into line and told someone what a great job they've done. Now you are thinking, here come the rewards. Just sit back and let it all flow to me.

I certainly wish it were so. It doesn't end until life will constantly be striving to live a great and positive life. And as you do, good things will happen to you. Of course it won't be like winning the lottery. Then again, there might be one or two of you that actually do win the lottery. But a windfall as such doesn't guarantee happiness.

So you keep moving forward, doing those things that I talk about. It can be a Roller Coaster ride but it is a lot more fun then a Merry-Go-Round. Instead of simply going round and round, think about the ups and downs and twists and turns. Heart thumping thrills and unexpected excitement every bit of the way.

Expect that it won't be easy all of the time, expect that with every low comes a new high. It isn't to say that you suffer emotional extremes, but understand that life will throw you curves. (see how I moved from an amusement park theme to a sports theme) Enjoy it and as I've stated before this way of life will become second nature. Have a great time with your life.

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