Friday, December 16, 2005

Fear Can Be Overcome

"Most people think that courage is the absence of fear. The absence of fear is not courage; the absence of fear is some kind of brain damage. Courage is the capacity to go ahead in spite of the fear, or in spite of the pain. When you do that, you will find that overcoming that fear will not only make you stronger but will be a big step forward toward maturity." - M. Scott Peck, (Further Along the Road Less Traveled)

Keeping on the subject of fear and attitude, it isn't an easy thing to accomplish. Having the courage to overcome fear is quite possible. For fear is defined as, " unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, real or not. Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike to some conditions/objects, such as: fear of darkness, fear of ghosts, etc. It is one of the basic emotions." (from Wikipedia).

In an online article from "Tell Me How", they indicate the following;
  • One of the most common barriers to success is simply fear of failure, which either stops us doing something, or inhibits our ability to do it as well as we can.
  • The key to overcoming fear of failure is simply persistence. By trying and trying and trying again, you cannot fail, as you will always achieve this goals this way.Determination to succeed always conquers fear of failure.
  • So many businesses are so close to success, for instance, when the owners fear failure so much that they stop short of developing something that could have been great.
  • And so with individuals, we shy away from the challenge due to fear of failure. Commit to meet challenges head on and you will overcome failure, as it will no longer be an option.
Step forward to meet your challenges, step forward to meet your fears and overcome them. You will be amazed at how much more you can do.

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