Thursday, December 15, 2005

Overcoming Fear To Succeed

In respect for my friend in the previous article, I wanted to wait a couple of days before writing another blurb in my little patch of the world wide web. This great thing called the internet has always fascinated me. To see how ones writings can spread so wide. It starts small like a snowflake but grows and gains speed as time goes by. Pretty soon you find that your daily thoughts are out there on display for everyone to read.

Opening one self to this wide spread forum can be a bit intimidating. I've written previously that it takes courage to overcome any fear you have in making that first step. In creating this blog, my fear was in placing my words out for all to read. The fear of opening oneself to criticism or even ridicule can be a great deterrent to accomplishing things.

I've heard it said by various successful people over and over again, "...don't let your fear dictate." My yearning to help others by providing ideas and encouragement made me over come any fear of doing so. I would go so far as to say, "growth in attitude causes you to overcome, in fact demands that you overcome your fears."

Overcome your fears, one by one, step by step...see the change it will make in your life.

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