Monday, December 12, 2005

Touching Lives To The End

Back in mid-November, a man you may not have known passed away. Dan Thrasher, was a man who lived and touched people in ways I am sure he never imagined. It happened with me and it happened with many other fellow employees within my company and outside in his personal life. In battling cancer, he kept an amazing attitude towards life and those that he came in contact with. One of his many loves in life was that of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. A good friend of his arranged to have Harley-Davidson shirts from around the world secretly sent to Dan. It is reported that his eyes lit up every time the FedEx truck pulled up.

I knew Dan only slightly as we had worked on site together on a couple of occassions. But when I heard about this gesture of wonderment for Dan, many of us worked to locate and find shirts from around the world. In doing so, fellow employees from around the world were able to hear of this wonderful story. Each of these people were moved to appreciate more of life and their part in it. Each reinforced for me the goodness in life that each of us possesses. Dan set that in motion without realizing it. I'm sure he knows it now.

In one of my endeavors to find a shirt in Germany, with the best of mapped directions and advice from locals it was an adventure. Finding the local Harley-Davidson store put me in touch with many different people. Asking for directions puts one in contact with people one may otherwise not meet. It showed to me that there is goodness in everyone. It was Dan Thrasher that put this in motion. By being a person that touched one person he touched hundreds or maybe even thousands.

Each of you have that ability as well to touch everyone in your daily life. Dan Thrasher dropped a pebble into the still water. The ripple effect has passed through many of us and it will pass through you. As you go about your job and more importantly your personal life, know that you impact everyone you come in contact with. Allow the ripple to flow beyond to all that you touch.

If you wish, the family requests that donations
be made in Dan's memory to St. Jude Children's
Hospital in Memphis, TN.

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