Sunday, December 11, 2005

Forward Movement In Attitude

Not long ago I heard a story of pushing yourself to step out, of going beyond what is within your comfort zone. You make that move forward and you breath a sigh of relief. Then you are asked to step even further.

It is with that first step that many more will follow. Choosing to have a great attitude is a first step. But then I ask that you do more with that attitude. It isn't enough to step forward and declare that a positive attitude will be a driving force in your life. It isn't enough to experience the wonders that come with this new found attitude.

Now comes the next step of using this new attitude to make the world around you better. Remember the pebble in the water article some time ago. You start things in motion and they carry out in waves to others. But be assured that every time you step forward in action to a place you think you should be, more will be expected.

It is with both faith and confidence that you make these moves. It isn't easy knowing that the more you do, the more that will be expected. But with each step it will become easier. Your confidence will increase and faith in yourself will abound. Only thing have to make the choice to move. Expect more each time you move and accept it with a positive heart.

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