Sunday, January 01, 2006

Change Of Attitude For 2006

Today marks a new day in a new year, a rebirth of possibility. The past events of last year, whether good, bad or indifferent are just that, in the past. You can not live on the glory or the pain of those events. What you can do is learn and more importantly, grow from the experience of 2005.

Dean Sweetman has said, "if you really want 2006 to be different, then you have to change the way you do things." This means you can not keep doing things the same way. Change only happens when you make changes for the betterment of your future. Dean goes on to say that, "to possess the future you want, then you have to let go of the past."

Remember my 'rocks in your wagon' article? The past year could have you pulling a wagon full of rocks. Weighing down your ability to pull yourself along to a better life. Or can you look back to a wonderful path of stones paving a way for those that come after you. Leaving a legacy that you can be proud of, doing for others before doing for yourself.

My particular faith comes through at times in my writings. And life is best served by serving your God first, others second and yourself third. I won't get into the physcological thoughts of placing yourself third because we all know we have to take care of ourselves. But serving one and two first will reward the third if done in the correct spirit of servitude.

In doing so, you will reap benefits of different kinds. Dean has stated that you will "prosper in the natural, but you must also have blessing upon your life as well." It will happen this year for you if you are willing to make changes different to 2005. Move forward, move on and live a much more prosperous 2006.

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