Monday, January 02, 2006

Persistence to Make Changes

We are in our second day of the year and the fog of day one is starting to fade. You can take a bit more time to start planning those changes for this coming year. But don't procrastinate, think of one thing you can do. May be its getting up and leaving for work ten minutes earlier. It will result in a more relaxed drive to work and you will have a better start to your day.

This is a year for change and you are just beginning. Think long term, think of doing thing in small increments and see your success in each of them. In the book I referred to a couple of days ago - "Healthy, Wealthy and Wise - 52 Life Changing Lessons for the 21st Century - is a chapter on persistence. If you want to make change, you will have to be persistent.

Ms. Waggener says, "whatever you are trying to accomplish in your life, you must keep going. Your goals are worthwhile. They deserve committed, unwavering action. They require put-one-foot-in-front-of-the-other sort of dogged movement. They require persistence.

With your new attitude and courage to change, persistence will become easier as you see the rewards of achieving your goals. Stand strong, make a change and do it now. John Quincy Adams said, "patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." Make 2006 your year and start now.

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