Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Moving Past Old Pain

There are many people in life that struggle to grasp and hold on to a positive attitude. Most of the time it is due to the inability to let go of past issues in their life. Letting go of old hurts and wounds to ones heart can be a difficult thing to do. What happens is that your mind will tend to try and rationalize the hurt and take a firm hold of it.

This results in a constant rehashing of the pain which in turn will limit you. This stands between you and achieving greater things in life. Just know and accept that there will always be something to get between you and your experiences in life. Knowing this is the first step in being prepared to deal and move on past those issues.

People will test your sincerity to step past a wrong doing and to see if you can also accept them along with their own issues. Are you prepared to deal with your own issues so that you can adequately deal with other people in your life.

A favorite speaker of mine, Fergus McIntrye is quoted as saying, "to move on greatness in life, you must first break down the walls that surround your heart." Fight through your adversity and continue to see and search for the goodness life has to offer you. Let go of past pains and know that life will open so much more. Release yourself from the past and live life in a new a bold way.

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