Thursday, December 28, 2006


During my time off this week, it brings to mind things that I am thankful for. Things and people that have been a large reason in explaining who I am. In large part, my mother, father and siblings help make me the person I am today.

All of us have family and it is an easy thing to be thankful for. For me, being the second youngest of seven children allowed me to watch the older ones. Learning by their failures or success is something that I did all along. Through the death of a sister, to all of the many things that happen within a family, each of us have stuck together.

My parents are well into retirement and enjoying their lives and life together the way they want. As parents, I'm sure they understand how much they've meant to all of us kids but we'll never feel thankful enough. Not perfect parents but perfect for me as I've come to understand that we do the best we can in raising children and in living our lives.

To my sister and brothers, thank you for helping me through many of the tough times that I've had. It was with your support that really pulled me through those times. I'll always be one to give credit to each of you for helping form the person that I am now. As I go through my life, remembering each of you with gratitude and love will always remain.

To my readers, in some form you each have a family that raised you. There are many different stories, many different types and many levels of satisfaction with ones family. Yet you should find it in your heart to remember family at this time of year. Be safe and healthy during the holiday celebrations.

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