Monday, February 05, 2007

Healthier Lives

“Our bodies are getting healthier and we're living much longer and the biggest threat now to being able to function well and productively when we're older is in the functioning of the brain.”
- Ian Robertson

Living a longer and healthier life is something we as men fail to acknowledge early enough in life. But with more information, we can each take care of ourselves much better. A recent article in Best Health Magazine regarding maintaining a healthier heart, also provides a list of the best medical tests for men.

I've provided a list and the article indicates that catching a problem in its early stages is now possible with new technology. But most of these tests won't get prescribed by a doctor unless you ask for them. So here they are, treat your body and then treat your brain. How to treat your brain...look up what each of the tests are and read about them.


Fasting Blood Glucose - once a year
HIV ELISA / Western Blot - once every five years
High Sensitivity CRP and Homocysteine Tests - every five years
Testicular Exam - monthly
Body Mass Index - every three years, or whenever you gain weight
Full Lipid Profile - at least once every five years
Blood Pressure - once a year
Dental Exam - twice a year


Carotid Duplex Ultrasound - once at age 40, then as necessary depending on results
PSA - once a year
Dermatological Exam - annual self-exam; professional exam every five years
64-Slice CT Scan - once at age 40, then every five years or as necessary depending upon results
Glaucoma Test (Tonometry) - one every two years


Colonoscopy - once every 5-10 years or as necessary depending upon results
Hearing - every three years

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