Sunday, February 04, 2007

Unknown Kindness

There are days when you wonder what all of the fuss is about. Having a positive attitude, being a generally nice person and just doing good in your life. You smiled and thanked the person behind the counter at the gas station. They frowned and probably gave you that "you're weird" look. Maybe everyone you come in contact with just isn't on that same good feeling level that you are.

It hardly seems worth staying on the positive stream of life. If nobody else is getting on board, why should you keep on trying. It must mean that life isn't all that great and you might as well join the frown crowd. But persevere in your way of life, happiness can be and is a way of life that everyone can enjoy.

What you do today, the way you treat others will impact those yet unknown. That attendant may simply take the smile and pass it on. It will silently slip from them with the next person they assist. They won't even realize where it came from. The person receiving it will smile back, touched by the small act of kindness. So was it worth it? You smiling regardless of what you received in return made a change in someones life. Someone you didn't know, someone that will never know it came from you.

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." - Herman Melville

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