Monday, June 04, 2007

Changing Winds Of Attitude

This past weekend I was relaxing outside the hotel I'm staying at. It was actually quite pleasant and a nice breeze was blowing through the palms. This was one of those moments I've talked about, getting your mind clear of the past weeks issues and concerns.

As I was watching the palm leaves move and sway to the whims of the breeze, it occurred to me that all of us can effect others in a similar manner. As we go about each day, we interact and impact other peoples lives. Causing their attitudes and beliefs to move and sway just like the palms leaves.

The winds of attitude flow in and out of you, causing changes in both yourself and in others. Whether you enter those lives like a raging hurricane or as a gentle breeze, the impact you have is genuine and real. When you enter your day, remember that your attitudes will flow through those around you.

John Steinbeck wrote, "Men do change, and change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass." You can be the gentle wind or the essence of change upon someones life. Your life will be changed as well, so enjoy the breeze.

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