Saturday, June 02, 2007

Extra Kindness - Being A Friend

A large part of my life involves the encouragement of others and trying to lift them up beyond where they are or want to be. I just tend to think each of us can make life a little more pleasant for those we come in contact with.

And perfect, I'm not even close to it and understand that life isn't necessarily a pursuit of perfection. It is more of a pursuit and improving oneself, giving of oneself leaving things in the wake of your path just a little better.

One of my co-workers is involved with a group that is being phased out. He will and has moved on to another project, but with his remaining responsibility, he is doing what he can to help these individuals move on. The people involved losing their jobs are talented and wonderful people. Business has simply changed the course of their lives. Yet here, a single person in the bigger picture is taking the time to care and help.

This is what I mean, taking the extra effort to help others beyond your own circumstance. He will leave a lasting impression on those people. Something inside him is made of goodness and it may seem simple of me to say, but that goodness is worth so much more in the big scheme of our lives.

I was given a gift recently with a quote inside the front cover. It came as a gracious gift from friends on my wife and I. The people giving it have gone through some of the toughest times anyone should have to endure. We supported them in ways that only friends can do. Each of us need the support and kindness. Their thankfulness said it all in this particular quote which read, "In troubled times, the caring of a friend falls softly like a gentle rain."

Try to be a friend to those you meet, go just a step further to show kindness and thoughtfulness to others. It will be returned to you in ways you will never imagine.

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