Sunday, August 05, 2007

Facing Life In A Positive Way

“Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself.” - Elwood Chapman from his book Up Your Attitude! Changing the Way You Look at Life.

Each of us has a choice on how we look at our place in life. We can accept things as they are with a good attitude and then work to better our condition - if that is what we want. Or we can choose to wallow in despair and spend our energy in complaint.

If we decide to choose a path of 'woe is me', then we will be less inclined, less engaged and have lesser ability to focus on change. All of our energy will be drained by constant self doubt. Our mood will be sour to the point that others will be more reluctant to be around us. Except for other complainers and self-doubters.

Yet to take what you have and turn it into gratitude for what you do see it as an opportunity to move beyond will change your daily life. Having a positive attitude does not guarantee riches and fame. What it does do it help you enjoy the life you already have and allow you to focus, to apply your energy towards something better. It gives you the strength to have boldness that will allow change in your life.

So develop an attitude that is positive, see the world in a new light and then move beyond your circumstance. Stop being angry at the world and those around you. Allow yourself to enjoy your life and the challenges you face.

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