Friday, November 09, 2007

How To Spread Goodness

Wow - here it is November 9th already and I haven't written since the end of October. I am in a period of time where my work seems to consume all of my time. It leaves little time for my family, which I know is a bad thing and I have always had a difficult time balancing the two. So during these periods, the blog has to take a rest.

In all of what I do though, I never forget you folks - faithful readers and supporters. I also never forget all of those people that each of us can help. Spreading a smile here, a nice gesture there or just doing a small good deed will go a very long way in improving someone's life.

As the holiday season approaches, here are a few tips to help spread some goodness around:

1. Smile more often, life really isn't so bad and a smile changes an entire room.
2. Slow down and relax a bit more often, driving isn't a race against others, it is just getting from point A to point B.
3. Tip more and more often, those working in the restaurant business really don't get paid all that much...15-20% tip regardless will help them with the holiday season.
4. Send a note to a soldier overseas more often as they need our support and encouragement. I'll write more about this soon.
5. Lend a helping hand more often, service to others has it own reward that will make them feel better and you much better inside.

Enjoy your weekend everyone and be safe.

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