Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Techniques To Improve Attitude

"Nature presents us with an infinite variety of attitudes--from gloomy mist to glorious sunshine. Our own moods, whether gloomy or bright, radiate to those around us."

The following information comes from a publication released by the West Virginia University Extension Service. It is called THE WINNING ATTITUDE

The article offers eight techniques to help you adjust your attitude. Each of these are ideas that seem very simple, but they are effective.

1. Employ the flip side technique.

When a "negative" enters your life, flip the problem over and look for whatever humor may exist on the other side. When this is successful, you will be able to minimize the negative impact of a problem on your attitude. Humor is an important ingredient in this technique.

2. Play your winners.

Like a business, you have winners in your life. The more you focus on them the better. All of us have to deal with positive factors (winners) and negative factors
(losers) in our lives. If not careful, we let losers push the winners in the background. Some ways to make your winners more important include:

* THINK about your winners. Concentrate on the positives.
* TALK about your winners. Talk about the happy, exciting things of life.
* REWARD yourself by enjoying your winners. Do what you enjoy.

3. Simplify! Simplify!

Free yourself from complications. An uncluttered focus helps you accept and enjoy life's simple pleasures. Each of us probably has some cluttered areas that we could clear out:

* Unused and unappreciated possessions,
* Too many involvements,
* Career-home imbalance,
* Putting off the little things, and
* Holding on to worn-out relationships.

4. Insulate! Insulate!

Learn to live with certain "no-win" situations that cannot be resolved, thrown out, or ignored. Each of us probably has a way of working out or coping with some of these situations: talk about it, work harder, laugh, share problem with supreme being, or change environments.

5. Give your positive attitude to others.

You can keep your positive attitude by giving it to others. Everyone winds up a winner when positive attitudes are shared.

6. Look better to yourself.

Often you look better to others than you do to yourself. When you have a poor self-image, you are looking through a glass darkly. When you feel you don't look good, nothing else looks good. But, when you look good to yourself, everything else looks better. You may want to adjust your positive attitude through image improvements such as improving your wardrobe, changing your hairstyle or cosmetics, looking healthier, being yourself, or keeping a good self-image.

7. Accept the physical connection.

Most people feel there is a relationship between physical well-being and attitude. Exercise helps keep us out of attitudinal ruts.

8. Clarify your mission.

An individual with a purpose is more apt to have a positive attitude than someone without direction. A purpose in life helps individuals keep focused, provides perspective, and destroys uncertainty.

The previous techniques are a great way to start. They are a great path to a different you that will take you from the negative to the positive mind set. Begin a new journey to a new you.

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