Monday, September 29, 2008

How To Mend A Fishing Net

I have had many people come to my web blog looking for ways to 'mend a fishing net'. Most times they end up with my article Mending Fishing Nets that speaks about keeping the 'network' of friends you have in life close and in repair.

But in fairness to those that have commented and are looking for a way to 'really' mend a fishing net, then I provide the following article, Diy fishing tips: fishing net repair, from the folks at

It is a starting place for those in need of net repairing information. I don't receive any money if you click on the link. I just felt it necessary to give those that want that type of site, a link to get there.

And if you need some encouragement because your net is in bad need of repair; read some of my articles and see if it helps.


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