Showing posts with label repair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repair. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Repairing a Leak

"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of." ~ Jim Rohn

Most every morning is a quiet pre-dawn drive to work. Very little traffic, the windows down and the springtime air flowing through the car. My short drive takes me down a freeway to a familiar exit. A few more blocks and the empty parking lot awaits my arrival.

These early mornings give me a peaceful couple of hours before others arrive. I can get many things accomplished with very little distraction. A soft start to the day before the crush of everything takes hold.

This day was seemingly no different in its beginning as I pulled out of my driveway. The cool morning breeze filtering through the car, out the neighborhood and to the freeway. My freeway exit arrived and as I pulled up to the stop light a very odd noise from the rear of the car. As suddenly as it sounded, it went away. A few blocks to work and I would have my cup of coffee.

As I pulled into the empty parking lot, a new sound pierced the quiet morning. A small part of me for an instant thought, "no, the noise is coming from somewhere else." Wishful thinking, a rear tire was losing air. The awful hiss of a tire venting itself of all it contains. You can insert a small amount of grumbling at this point.

The cool morning breeze mixing with the warm compressed air flowing out of my tire did nothing to brighten the moment. I stood there thinking the person that lost the package of wood screws would be scratching their head about now. They would be saying to themselves, "I know I packed those in the truck this morning before leaving."

So here I have a tire going flat, a perfect illustration of one losing their momentum. All energy and attitude escaping from within oneself. I could have reacted similarly to that tire. I could have gotten upset, yelled a few cuss words and kicked the tire. Okay, I grumbled a few cuss words. But then it was a matter of just getting on with it.

Life will toss moments at you. Some times it will be nails in the road to flatten a tire. Other times it will be worse. All of these moments will cause you to 'leak' your attitude. You have two choices at those moments in time.

One choice is to go flat and do nothing but give up. A flat tire and a flat attitude will not go very far. Eventually the tire will shred and your life will be left in pieces.

Your other choice is to get on with overcoming the circumstance. You repair the tire, plug the hole and refill your life with new air, new attitude. When you have a well-rounded tire, filled to the right PSI then life rolls on much easier, much more efficiently.

Before long, you will be back out on the highway to your destination. You will be back on the road to your dreams and not stuck on the side of the road with a flat life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, September 29, 2008

How To Mend A Fishing Net

I have had many people come to my web blog looking for ways to 'mend a fishing net'. Most times they end up with my article Mending Fishing Nets that speaks about keeping the 'network' of friends you have in life close and in repair.

But in fairness to those that have commented and are looking for a way to 'really' mend a fishing net, then I provide the following article, Diy fishing tips: fishing net repair, from the folks at

It is a starting place for those in need of net repairing information. I don't receive any money if you click on the link. I just felt it necessary to give those that want that type of site, a link to get there.

And if you need some encouragement because your net is in bad need of repair; read some of my articles and see if it helps.
