Friday, June 04, 2010

More Then Blue Loves The Sky

"Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard." ~Dave Mustaine

A fellow I know by the name of John Toner suffered a great loss recently. His wife, Sabrina Toner passed away unexpectedly. He along with their four daughters have had their lives suddenly and drastically changed by Sabrina's passing.

It is a great story of a loving mother who taught her daughters and husband so much in the short time that was their's. This was very evident in one of their daughters at the memorial service. Only nine years old, this brave young girl approached the lecturn and read a poem.

This was a poem she had written for her mother and wanted the whole world to hear. I can not remember all of the lines, but you will be moved by what I can repeat here.

I love you so very much
I love you more then colors love the rainbow
I love you more then words love the book

It goes on and is a very sweet but touching gift from a young daughter to a mother. her actions also teach us as adults that we can be strong and loving at the same time. She did not break down. She stood before the world and expressed what she and her family felt. And that was simply love for their mother Sabrina.

We can all be taught that moving on from a tragic event such as the loss of a loved one is tough. It is tough on kids and it is tough on adults. We can move on but leaving behind is the tough part. The love we carry inside for others and the sweet memories move on with us. That we must never forget.

Prayers and condolences fill the empty as much as possible for the Toner family. Yet it is love for Sabrina that will comfort them. More then leaves love the tree, more then blue loves the sky.

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