Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Give Up? Never

"Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill

David P. Baker is an independent film maker who has seen quite a bit of the scene behind the making of a film. His raw and honest view is refreshing to read and follow.

An article he wrote on his blog is an example of why I like him so much. The article is titled Don't Give Up. In that blog article he provides a glimpse into why he refuses to give up. He has a dream, a vision and passion to achieve what he wants in life.

His story and those like his have always intrigued me. They have also pushed me in my own pursuits. Their stories can inspire and teach each of us a valuable lesson about living our lives. And that lesson is....never give up.

But will an inspirational quote or a word of encouragement push you to greatness? No, it will only give you a moment to reflect and maybe a small amount of encouragement. What truly drives you to greatness is inside of you. Once you find it (and it is there), then you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. So never, ever, ever quit.

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