Showing posts with label give. Show all posts
Showing posts with label give. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Planting Seed

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." -John Maxwell

In many of the books I have read and the speakers I have listened to, each speak of "sowing seeds for the future." And it occurs to me that the by-product of having a positive attitude is the planting of hope and goodness. What starts out as a 'me' adventure turns into a 'for others' epic.

John Maxwell says there is an essential part of your success journey and that is in helping others. Without this, your journey will be lonely and quite a shallow experience. The joy you will receive is hard to describe. Albert Schweitzer said, "...the purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others."

All of this means is that you begin right where you are; doing the little things. That can mean spending more time at home watching television with your kids, spending more quality time with your spouse, encouraging someone at work or volunteering to do something for your community or church. Every little thing you do is the planting of another seed.

And while you are pursuing what your own purpose is, you help others along the way. Danny Thomas (for those of us that go back far enough) would say that "...all of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others."

Continue the journey for me, for you and more importantly for others. Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ReStore Others, ReStore You

"By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade." -Desiderius Erasmus

As I continue this "week of giving" there is so much that you can choose to do. My self-proclaimed week is meant to draw attention to areas in which you can enage and impact the lives of other people. Yes, you can impact other people just by engaging in a small act of giving.

Today the example is "Habitat for Humanity" and ways that you can be part of a wonderful story. This organization was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. Today, Habitat for Humanity is a world leader in addressing the issues of poverty housing. Over 500,000 homes and nearly 2 million people have shelter.

The interesting part is that homes are constructed by volunteers and professionals. They are also constructed using the sweat equity and time of the person/s that will be living in the home. "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life" means so much in this process of building and restoring lives.

So what can you do?

There are lots of different ways you can become involved such as volunteering to help build a home in your community. You can donate monie to the organization that will help them meet its home building expenses. You can also help by donating your left over building materials and home goods. You can go in and purchase these same types of items from the hundreds of stores called Habitat for Humanity ReStore (click to find a store near you).

These ReStore outlets focus on home improvement goods like furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances. The purpose is to accept donated goods which are sold to the general public at a fraction of the retail price. The proceeds than go to help local Habitat affiliates fund the construction of Habitat homes within their communities.

One such store locally for me is the Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity ReStore in nearby Lawrenceville, GA. I have included a video tour.

What is important, not only to help promote this organization, is to just do something. Help any one of a hundred different organizations that help those in need. I think it is important in our lives to give back whenever we can. To help others lift themselves up is the correct and right thing to do in your life.

If you give back just a little extra during this Christmas season, the world will be just a little better because of you.

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Little More Cheer

On with the dance! let joy be unconfined;
No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet.
~George Gordon Byron, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

This particular day in this particular year, it is the Friday before Christmas week. Many folks will be taking the week off, travelling to family and generally winding down.

This time of year also marks the celebrations, the parties, the food and the wine. We overindulge a bit too much on the food, the spirits and spending as well. I would ask that you be careful in your overindulgence. Be careful of the drink and the drive afterwards. Watch the food and your weight by exercising moderation.

I say all of this because I want to see each of you in the new year. I want to be able to walk our paths together. I want us to grow old together.

This time of year is also a time when we love a little more. It is a time when we are a little more forgiving. It is a time when we are a little more giving. It is a festive time, a joyous time and one that marks our memories with happiness. Life seems to be just a little easier.

So enjoy this time of year and remember how it makes you feel; remember how it makes others feel. Then try to stretch that feeling out into the new year just a little bit further.

Your walk will be lighter, the wind will always seem to be at your back and the sun will warm your face. Have a great Christmas and Holiday season everyone.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Give Up? Never

"Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill

David P. Baker is an independent film maker who has seen quite a bit of the scene behind the making of a film. His raw and honest view is refreshing to read and follow.

An article he wrote on his blog is an example of why I like him so much. The article is titled Don't Give Up. In that blog article he provides a glimpse into why he refuses to give up. He has a dream, a vision and passion to achieve what he wants in life.

His story and those like his have always intrigued me. They have also pushed me in my own pursuits. Their stories can inspire and teach each of us a valuable lesson about living our lives. And that lesson is....never give up.

But will an inspirational quote or a word of encouragement push you to greatness? No, it will only give you a moment to reflect and maybe a small amount of encouragement. What truly drives you to greatness is inside of you. Once you find it (and it is there), then you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. So never, ever, ever quit.