Thursday, September 09, 2010

Removing Envy

"Envy comes from people's ignorance of, or lack of belief in, their own gifts." ~Jean Vanier

The city of Toronto casts a look very similar to the one portrayed in the movie Blade Runner. The movie in which Harrison Ford plays a crusted 'detective/bounty hunter' tasked with eliminating some rogue 'replicants'. In that futuristic city, flight from the city isn't out to the suburbs but upwards.

The higher up you get in this type of world, the cleaner the air, and the better view. The street or ground level is for the poor and disadvantaged people upon which criminals prey. The way to gain a better life is to lift yourself up out of the gutter of the city, up into the high places away from the street clutter.

The only problem is that escaping upwards or even out to the suburbs is temporary. Many times the flight is only a means to mask what is happening inside of us. Even the wealthy and sophisticated people have issues. Expensive homes, fancy cars, and the club membership are distractions hiding what's holding them back from having a truly great life.

You may wonder what isn't great about having all of those nice things? Because many times the rich have the same problems as you or myself; it's just that their problems cost more. And are you really prepared to take on the problem of envy in your life?

On this we all have a commonality; envy of something or someone else. While our lives and the paths we have taken may look worlds apart, envy can swing both ways. When we have very little it is easy to want what someone else has. But maybe there is a price to pay for having it.

My mother used to say, "sure they have a lot of nice things, but would you want their credit card bills?". She should know since she worked in credit collection and retail management for a large part of her life. The well-heeled can envy the simple life in which the need to keep up with the folks next door are gone. Yes, all of us have the same struggles in life. It is in choosing how we battle those struggles that determines the life we achieve.

Money, bills, job, health, relationships, fear, and most anything else you can imagine. Life doesn't know if you are living at the street level, high up in a building or way out in the suburbs. Life affects all of us and the only way to deal with it is to deal with it inside first.

Change your attitude first by not worrying or envying those around you. Change it by looking inside to what is important to you in life. Accept what you have, both the good and the bad.

You can then begin the process of changing the bad things in your life. It may require giving up some of the good, but the goal is to better your life. By removing the bad, by changing attitudes, by appreciating what you have and not what someone else has; only then will you grow and start achieving a better life.

The journey starts with you, so drop the envy from your life. It can only drag you down and keep you there.

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