Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Change Again

"All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward." ~Ellen Glasgow

Another election cycle and another change, no more a surprise then the sun coming up in the morning. A change that is touted as the one that will mark a difference. This time we'll get it right, this time we'll truly make a difference.

Funny thing is that several times we have made these party changes in control of our federal government.

United States House of Representatives
1920-1933 Republican Majority
1933-1947 Democrat Majority
1947-1949 Republican Majority
1949-1953 Democrat Majority
1953-1955 Republican Majority
1955-1981 Democrat Majority
1981-1987 Republican Majority
1987-1995 Democrat Majority
1995-2001 Republican Majority
2001-     for one month Democrat Majority
2001-     for four months Republican Majority
2001-2003 Democrat Majority
2003-2007 Republican Majority
2007-2010 Democrat Majority
2010-     Republican Majority

U.S. Senate
1923-1933 Republican Majority
1933-1947 Democrat Majority
1947-1949 Republican Majority
1949-1953 Democrat Majority
1953-1955 Republican Majority
1955-1981 Democrat Majority
1981-1987 Republican Majority
1987-1995 Democrat Majority
1995-2001 Republican Majority
2001-     one month Democrat Majority
2001-     four months Republican Majority
2001-2003 Democrat Majority
2003-2007 Republican Majority
2007-     current Democrat Majority
2009-2011 Democrat Majority

So you look at the lists and wonder, what really has changed? What have we truly accomplished? There are those bits and pieces of movement here and there. But from one party affiliation to the other in control, the change merely becomes change for the sake of change.

So many times parties and candidates talk of change that is needed. They talk of the great things that are finally going to happen. They talk of a mandate from the American people. But nothing truly changes other then the title under their name plates.

As an individual, if all you did was change your hairstyle or clothes, does that really constitute change in your life? Probably not as real change comes from the inside and moving forward with it. Real change consists of not going back over old ground again once the lights fade. Real change means just that, real change.

Change can happen but real change means you never have to make the same change over and over again. How we move on from our old way of doing things makes a difference. If you truly seek change in your life, then vow to never repeat the same habits and mistakes.

So watch out, there is change ahead. What you do with it will make all the difference.

1 comment:

Dave Reed said...

That’s electorates the world over for you.
If you think you know how gullible the average man in the street is, then remember: half of them are worse than that.