Thursday, November 04, 2010

Behind the Counter

"Happiness... consists in giving, and in serving others." ~Henry Drummond

There is a gentleman that works in one of our corporate campus cafeteria's. Each and every week day he is there, behind the counter for breakfast and lunch. A smile on his face, a pleasant conversation for anyone that approaches his counter.

Its easy to think that his life is confined to a hot grill and condiments for building masterful sandwiches. We can tend to pigeon-hole people into a particular life by merely viewing the cover of the book. But when you read and find out more of this man's life, something greater emerges.

This particular man has a number of children, quite a bit of activity with them and his church. He truly sounds like a man that has it all when you listen to him speak. And all the while, he serves hundreds of people each and every day but feels he has it all.

Each of us have much more in our lives then we ever seem to admit. But if you sit back and examine what you do have, then you will probably find that you also have it all. Then take another look and see what you do in life; you are probably serving others in some form or another.

There will be times when you are served, but most of your life is spent in service to others. You can complain and whine about it, or you can embrace it and know that in service to others you will get tenfold in return.

The man behind the counter serves others at work, he serves his children, his spouse, and his God. But his attitude tells me that he receives so much more in return by serving others.

Think about how you serve through out your day...then see how much you get in return for all that you do.

1 comment:

Holy Spirit Catholic Charismatic English Prayer Group said...

How true serving others without expecting anything in return, makes a big difference to our lives.