Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

Happiness of What

True happiness is to enjoy the present, 
without anxious dependence upon the future, 
not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears 
but to rest satisfied with what we have, 
which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. 

The greatest blessings of mankind
are within us and within our reach.
A wise man is content with his lot,
whatever it may be,
without wishing for what he has not. 

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Staying Happy This Holiday

In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.” ― Fred Rogers

Depending upon how you count, there are only twenty-five days left before Christmas is upon us. Yes, only twenty-five days left to find the perfect gift. Only twenty-five days left to plan the holiday meal. Only twenty-five days left to stress over all of it.

90% of people stress over something during the holidays

What exactly do we stress over then? According to a Consumer Reports survey, these are the top things we dread this time of year.

68% - Crowds and long lines
37% - Gaining weight
37% - Getting into debt
28% - Gift shopping
25% - Traveling
24% - Seeing certain relatives
23% - Seasonal music
19% - Disappointing gifts
16% - Having to attend holiday parties or events
15% - Having to be nice
12% - Holiday tipping

I actually find the "having to be nice" kind of amusing given the fact it should just come naturally. Sad to say, there are folks who simply find it hard to be nice. Beyond being nice, there are many things which induce stress in a lot of people.

How do we stay positive and enjoy the holiday?

To keep yourself happy and stress-free as possible, consider the following five ideas. Take a few moments before we really get into the deep end of the holiday rush and consider how you can have a happier holiday season.

1. Be realistic and avoid trying to be perfect - there are 365 days in a year and it is practically impossible to make one day perfect when we know the other 364 days are imperfect. There is beauty and fun in the imperfections of life. Embrace the idea that no one person and no one day is perfect. When you do this the pressure of being perfect yourself will be lifted and make you much happier.

2. Be healthy in your food, drink and exercise - a work Christmas party, a holiday get-together with friends and many other fun activities will fill your belly with great food, lighten your head at times from drinking alcohol and keep you less active in other parts of your daily routine. There will be less sleep, less exercise, less of the normal. Simply do all of this in moderation and your health will keep you happier.

3. Be grateful for what is going right - shopping for a gift that is out of stock, the dessert pie which didn't turn out quite right and so many other things that could wrong. What are we to do? We can be thankful for what we do have. If you think about it, there are a lot of good things going on in your life and I am sure you can find them. When you are grateful for what you have, life will be a lot happier to you.

4. Be mindful of being around positive things - maybe this one time of the year you avoid reading or responding to all of the negativity circulating on social media. Do not forget that bad news, bad comments and bad things sell. Good things are boring but search for the good news in life. Spread good news and avoid spreading the negative. When you generate a positive attitude, you will be happier about yourself.

5. Be the nice person you really are - being nice is inside all of us in varying degrees. Do you really need a parking spot up close? Let them have it, park further out and get a bit of exercise. Someone cut you off in traffic? Maybe they have a sick relative so show a little grace. All kinds of frustrations are not worth the impact they could have on your happiness. Spread a little niceness and happiness will come to you.

There you have it, staying happy this holiday season.

Sounds easy, should be easy but we all know it really is not. It takes works on our part and hey, do not sweat it if you cannot do all five things. Pick one, pick two but simply try. Being stress free and happy is not something for just this time of year.

Try to be happier for most of the year.

Stress consumes our happiness and being positive is not just a cliche. Being positive is a way of life, a happier life! And life should be that way, correct?

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Happy Today

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” - Unknown Author

Everyday that goes by is an opportunity to enjoy life regardless of your circumstance.

It doesn't mean you have to be satisfied with that circumstance. But in order to allow your self to move on from where you are, happiness in the current will turn to joy in the future.

Why be happy in the current though?

If you spend your day complaining of all that is wrong in your life, you will have very little time to work on moving towards what is right with your life.

Take the energy being expended in unhappiness today and use it to create a great day. Continue doing this each and every day. You will find yourself moving towards a better place in life, a greater happiness and more joy.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, December 08, 2014

Don't Worry, Be ...

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength."
- Corrie Ten Boom

As you go about your day, things will happen which causes worry to come upon you. It might be little things like 'did you leave a light on at home', 'should I have brought an umbrella along' or other small nuisance types of worry. These are the nagging little issues which fill the voids in our daily thoughts. There are other types of worries which impact us in much bigger ways.

Those are the types of worry that directly impact your ability to function on a daily basis. There are a hundred and one kinds of examples we could discuss. Many of you probably have one or two of those at this moment in time. It could be money, health, sex or job worries. Anything that affects your day, that impacts your ability to fully function to your best.

Yet when worry consumes your life, it can be a detriment to your quality of life. It is said in an article from NetDoctor, that "many people openly confess to being worriers. They usually make the announcement as if to suggest the world is divided into the virtuous, who fret over everything, and the feckless majority who are laid back to the point of decadence."

Much of this worry will lead to bouts of anxiety and when diagnosed is a very debilitating disorder. Anxiety can be treated and is not meant to be taken lightly. Treating anxiety is best left to professionals. What I can say is for constant everyday worry for worries sake is not productive.

The time comes when you need to apply energy consumed by worry to one of making change and improvement. Once you have identified the issue causing you worry, take a breath and look for solutions. Certainly there will be things out of your control but you do have control of you. Look for advice, look for information and look to change the situation.

Do not let worry steal your strength today. Make a change in your life and let tomorrow bring a new and brighter day.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Bowl of Cheerios

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” - Unknown

People tend to search daily for 'things' that will make them happy. We seek out money, diamonds, cars, clothing, food, people or any of a number of things. The ever elusive feeling if only we had this or could obtain that, then we would be happy. With the holidays fast approaching, is happiness what you are in search of; of perfection?

We will search for and gather things but still not find happiness!

An article in Psychology Today on happiness, Harvard social psychologist William McDougall wrote that people can be happy while in pain and unhappy while experiencing pleasure. He writes that to understand this, two kinds of happiness must be distinguished: feel-good and value-based.

Feel-good happiness is sensation-based pleasure. When we joke around or have sex, we experience feel-good happiness. Since feel-good happiness is ruled by the law of diminishing returns, the kicks get harder to come by. This type of happiness rarely lasts longer than a few hours at a time.

Value-based happiness is a sense that our lives have meaning and fulfill some larger purpose. It represents a spiritual source of satisfaction, stemming from our deeper purpose and values. We experience value-based happiness when we satisfy any of the 16 basic desires--the more desires we satisfy, the more value-based happiness we experience. Since this form of happiness is not ruled by the law of diminishing returns, there is no limit to how meaningful our lives can be.

So how can we live a happier life?

Here are ten ideas to help you try to live a happier life.

- Look for the positive side of every situation.

- At the end of each day, take a moment to think of things that were good about the day.
- Spend time with people you love, whether they're your friends or your family.
- Be active and get some exercise, even if it's just a brisk walk around the neighborhood.
- Rest, sleep and relaxation are vital elements in how to live a happy life.
- Identify goals both in your personal and working life and work towards achieving them.
- Be grateful for the little things.
- Don't wish your life away by counting hours to the weekend, or days to your next holiday.
- Keep away from people that bring you down.
- Don't be afraid to have fun.

Aristotle said "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence". There is more to life than merely gaining happiness, but happiness or contentment is a very large part of the quality of our life. Do not waste the holidays stressing for perfection or ultimate happiness in that perfection.

Simply choose to be happy within the moments, full of contentment. Doing so will free you to direct your energy towards creating a greater life. No moping about your condition, but happily moving towards your dreams. Happy as a bowl of Cheerios!

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Sound and Rhythm

"The water as life continually crashes into the shore. All you have to do is adjust to its sound and rhythm." - Joseph Primm

Everyday that goes by is an opportunity to enjoy life regardless of your circumstance. It doesn't mean you have to be satisfied with that circumstance. But why not choose to be happy in the current?

If you spend your day complaining about all that is wrong in your life, there will be very little time left to work on moving towards what is right with your life. Moving your energy from being unhappy today will allow your day to be a great day.

It is said that being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections. It means we adjust to its sound and rhythm.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Possibility in Change

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” ― Anne Frank

Here we were, three people sitting side by side facing a long flight from Atlanta to Seattle. It was an evening flight so very little could be seen out the window. Much of what one sees from 35,000 feet is pretty plain anyway except for the occasional river or other large landmark. Forget about seeing anything when flying above the fluffy clouds.

I had my work and reading to do during the flight. I settled in with music in my ears and paperwork strewn about the little table in front of me. There are not very many things that can be strewn in such a small space, but I have a knack for doing it.

My seat was by the the window and my seat mates were Roberta in the middle seat and Joe held up the aisle area for us. They were a nice couple I deemed as they sat down. Travel weary to say the least as I would later confirm. Our age difference was noticeable but I could count them as either young parents to me or somewhere in-between.

As I grew tired of the reading and music, I removed my headphones, put away my papers and turned on the little television in front of me to the 'where are we' channel. This is the in-flight map although I call it differently as it fills that need inside of me to know where I am.

My need to know is an obsession of sorts.

When on a plane, you can not see out the front nor the back. The only frame of reference is the ground below you and unless you can make out obvious landmarks, knowing where you are is near impossible.

At that moment we happened to be flying over Scottsbluff, Nebraska. A small western town in the panhandle of the Cornhusker state. Not much out there except for sugar beet farms, open range land and some pretty cool natural monuments like Chimney Rock. The town of Scottsbluff was on the wagon trail for homesteaders moving west to great places such as California and Oregon.

There was nothing to see out the window except for darkness.

Roberta commented to me about the map and where I was heading. This opened up a conversation which reaffirmed my belief that change can happen at any point in life. I have written in "Changed Lives", you have the power to alter your condition. If things are not working out and you have tried everything within the circumstance, making a change can be the right thing to do.

As we spoke, I learned they were returning from a 20-some day vacation full of train, boat, car and plane rides. From the great Northwest to Central America and other equatorial locations, the wear on them was catching up. It is always good to "come home" and they had that look upon them.

Both lived in the northwest but each had come from the Minnesota area originally. Roberta had graduated a couple of years ahead of the famed songwriter Bob Dylan in Hibbing, MN. I'm not sure that she would have dated him because I imagine Bob being a bit 'odd' for the area given his talent. Joe was from the Minneapolis area and had a normal midwestern life and career.

Yet each found the other only six years ago.

Both came from divorce of marriages that had lasted many years. When you have been married for such a long time, the prospect of getting to experience that love ever again seems remote. But it happened for them and they are happy as can be. Roberta is retired now and Joe is in semi-retirement. As Joe stated, I'll work if and when I feel like it.

As we spoke, there was a thrill in Roberta's voice of her life and how it has all worked out. She was feeling the joy that many more years of love were going to give her. There was a spark of light in her eyes as she spoke of Joe and all that they would do together. This included moving back to Minnesota to be near her grandchildren.

As she put it, "grandchildren need their grandmother."

The details of their individual divorces have many of the same themes which run through all stories of divorce. Know from their example and the example of countless others, change is possible and will lighten your own heart.

There are things you might be going through today. It could be divorce, money issues, physical pain or any of a thousand other variations that life throws at us.

Just know that change or altering your circumstance is within your grasp.

You can make a change, you can choose a different path. Each day you are given the ability while in the plain, nondescript building near the crossroads of your life to choose change. When the door of opportunity opens and you see the light shining in, take your dreams and walk out into new possibility.

Be bold and willing to take the chance on something new.

It is most likely I will never see or hear of Roberta and Joe again. But the light of change each embraced will carry in my memory for a long time to come. Happy living and thank you to these two wonderful people.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, February 07, 2014

Why Not Smile

"Men of action, above all those whose actions are guided by love, live forever."
- Jose Marti

All attribution to Andy Andrews for the content in this article. I truly enjoy his writing and every once in a while, I like to share some of his thoughts and ideas. After you read this article, take a few moments to follow the link provided to find out more about Andy.

Learning How to Express Our Gratitude

There are so many invisible people in our lives who provide services and never get thanked. You will stand out when you stop and say, "I just wanted to say thanks for what you're doing." The possessor of a grateful spirit, who gives that gratefulness to others, will not have to daily choose to be happy. It will be a conditioned effect. You'll wake up happy. You have to choose to be happy at first, but the conditioning will take over and soon you will BE happy.

How does this translate into personal, business, and financial success? Happiness leads to opportunities. Become somebody that other people want to be around. People want to be around happy people. That's why happy people receive opportunities. Opportunities translate into success.

Nobody expects you to be happy every moment of every day, but you can make a choice to smile. You will attract people in your life and when you become a person other people want to be around, you will attract their opportunities as well.

I've been asked, "What one thing can somebody do to change their life? It's going to blow your mind because it's so simple:

"Smile while you talk."

Very few people do this. Even when people tell jokes, they don't smile while they talk. Most people talk with a serious or bland expression on their face. Get in front of a mirror and learn to smile while you talk. Add a little chuckle while you're talking, and have laughter coming through in your voice, and everything will change. When you smile at people, they will smile back.

And I dare you to have people not participate in whatever it is you want them to participate in. If you want people to sign the deal or be your client forever, learn to smile while you talk. Your spouse, your kids, your neighbors, everybody will react to you differently when you smile as you talk.

Happiness is a choice and you are making that choice today. The bubbling laughter in your soul is an expression of enthusiasm, the fuel that moves the world. Your smile is the most potent weapon you have. Always remember to be the possessor of a grateful spirit, and to share that gratefulness liberally!

So today, choose to be happy and stay inspired my friends.

Check out more on Andy Andrews. He is a great author and can help you change your world for the better.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

You Wanna Be Like Me

"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world." -Robert Louis Stevenson

My single thought for the day. Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Change of Latitude

It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of person-kind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.”
-Leo Buscaglia

From 34.1169° N, 83.9986° W to 25.4687° S, 49.2535° W, the coordinates of where and to our friends the Spells will be moving. They are moving from Buford, GA (in the United States) to Curitiba, Brazil. This is a straight line distance of roughly 4708 miles.

This move was not a whim but driven by a vision they have to help with a church and the people of Brazil. The church is C3 Curitiba and they will be working with Pastor Ronald Berg and his team in Brazil. You could almost call them "southern" missionaries going "south" on a mission.

But this is not strictly about church or even religion. This is about connecting with people and helping them raise up their lives. It is about sharing lives together and helping other people live their best life. And that is something all of us could use, whether it be in Curitiba, Brazil or Buford, Georgia or any place you want to name. All of us are trying to live the best life we can.

You can be a part of their adventure as well, at least in part by helping support them. Annie and Dave could still use a few more monthly partners. If you could make a commitment of $20, $30, or more (or less) a month, it would go a long way. Or you could make a one time donation of $250, $500 or $1000 towards connection and helping others achieve something more in life.

Step out of the ordinary in your life and click on the link below; it is tax deductible.

Annie & Dave Spell - Brazil Missions

Muito Obrigado for your donation. And to our good friends Annie and Dave Spell, happy trails to you!

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Another Pleasant Day

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same." ~Francesca Reigler

The sun does not shine every day, the good times do not always roll and smiles do end upside down; all of this is a given. They are a fact of the life we live, day in and day out the circumstances change. Even from moment to moment they can change. Life would be pretty boring if everything was happy, sugar and kisses all of the time.

I am reminded of a movie a few years back called Pleasantville in which television characters lived the idyllic life. In the beginning, it is said by the weatherman, "Well, it looks like we're going to have another sunny day - high 72, low 72, and not a cloud in the sky."

But the black and white scenes begin to gather color in this television land called Pleasantville. The line now becomes, "Nothing is as simple as Black and White." Which is something we learn in our own life; the colors abound and we work through each of them.

The colors or "happiness" is what we choose them to be. In those moments when the colors become dull and depressing, we can choose to find the hues of happiness. A cloudy day has its own beauty. A rainy day provides wondrous reflections in the pools of water on the sidewalk.

No, we do not get to choose the circumstances we encounter most of the time. But we do get to choose the attitude we have. Find happiness within your circumstance and see the colors come back into your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom

"Oh happy day!" -Edwin Hawkins Singers

Happy Birthday Mom - you would have been 82 years old today in the natural. But please be assured you are 82 years old in my heart today. Love Joe

Monday, December 31, 2012

Shout It Out

"As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision." -Helen Keller

It is December 31st, the final day of the year, the final chance to do one great thing for your life this year. And that one last great thing is to let it go. Let go of the hurt and complaints that crept into your life during the year. Today is the day to pour out any pain or disappointment that remains.

Your life is like a bucket, some shiny new while others are getting old and tarnished, but both capable of holding great things. But we carry complaint like a full bucket of water, heavy and cumbersome. We carefully carry it so as not to spill any of it from our lives. The only problem is that while we are concentrating so hard on the complaints, we lose sight of the great things in our lives.

Now that the year has come to an end, pour that complaint out of your life. With an empty bucket to start the year, it DOES NOT mean we fill it with complaint for the coming year. In fact, pour it out, turn the bucket over, stand on top of it and shout out all of your worries, your complaints and your doubts.

Shout out the complaints from the past year.

Shout out the complaints you are sure to have in the new year.

Let it all go now, today and let it seep deep into the ground and out of your life. The bucket will be ready for all those great things to happen in the year to come. This empty bucket will now be ready for you to fill it with goodness, no complaining, no regrets, no looking back.

The end of a year is like a paved road ending. All that stretches out in front of you is a dirt path. It is an uncharted course, with the unknown but something of great promise around the bend.

Take this final day and unload all of your complaints from this year. Unload all complaints for the coming year. Be done with complaint and free up your year for all of the good that can happen.

A new year awaits you filled with many great things. Take your empty bucket into the new year and fill it with all of those great things.

Stay inspired my friends! Have a safe and happy New Year!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blow Thou Winter Wind

The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” ―Steve Maraboli

Only a few more days left in this year and for those in the northern hemisphere, winter's cold wind blows with a cold fierceness. It is a time when emotions can get the better of us. The lamentations of another year gone by can consume our thoughts of perceived failures.

It is easy to sit and question the wrongs we feel others may have exacted upon us. We can let past wrongs consume our future as the cold wind howls outside. Thoughts of how thankless and false love and friendship can be will creep into our minds. It seems as if all life is made up of human ingratitude.

We pull our coats tight in order to fight the winter winds. But the idea that people can be thankless is worse than the harshness of that same winter wind. We allow these thoughts to take over and debilitate us.

What should never be forgotten is that life is worth living. One should move forward, be happy, forgive and forget the failings of others. Forgive your own failings.

Shift your thinking and your world will shift for the better.

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
by William Shakespeare

Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.
Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then, heigh-ho! the holly!
This life is most jolly.
Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
Thou dost not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As friend remember'd not.
Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then, heigh-ho! the holly!
This life is most jolly.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Choice Is Everything

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." -Wayne Dyer

There have been points, key junctures in my life which forced me to make a choice. Would I choose to be miserable? Would I choose a path to happiness? Would I choose anything at all?

All of us get put into this position of needing to choose whether we like it or not. It might be a choice regarding our relationships, our jobs, or even with our health. The choices will range from the seemingly mundane to those involving life and death.

Whatever the case may be, the choice still remains your own. Yes, you may not have chosen the circumstance, but you have a choice in how you react to the circumstance. It is your reaction that will send you down a good path or hurtling down a bad path.

In my own world, a divorce could have sent me down a very destructive path. There were choices and options circling in my head that could have turned out really bad for me. If I had chosen that route, I would have fallen into a really bad state of disrepair. In doing so, I would not have been capable of supporting my boys or myself.

But I chose not to take what seemed an easy road. I took the hard path of reconstructing my life. It was not easy but the rewards have been so much greater. I can attest to the fact that making a right choice in your life will create a much greater life for you as well.

  • Choose not to be miserable in your life.
  • Choose to take the right path in your life.
  • Choose to be happy in your life.

You will achieve great things with a great attitude and by making great choices in your life. It may look hard at first, but believe me the alternative or easy path will be much more painful in the long run.

Stay inspired my friends and make the right choices in life.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Getting Over the Bridge

"When a decision has to be made suddenly, experience and gut feeling is sometimes all you can go with." -Joseph Primm

Here I was coming up I-278 towards the interchange with I-87 near the borough of Manhattan in New York City. If I successfully navigated this during rush hour, I would successfully make it out to my hotel in Teterboro, NJ. I wasn't worried because getting lost doesn't phase me too much, just the idea of not figuring it out would have bothered me.

So negotiating the various lanes, lack of signs and a 'general' map of the route, instinct had to work. I had prepared or so I thought, the maps looked rather easy but sometimes reality is a bit more harsh. Life tends to be that way most times as well.

We plan and plan, writing down on paper those goals in perfect order. If we do this first, exit to the right here and cross over the bridge to the next step; then everything will work out perfectly. But than you come to the interchange of I-87 and I-95, looking for exit 7S. Check out the map and then see what the reality is.

You and I both have had dreams for what we wanted our lives to be. Each of us held onto those visions and were working slowly towards them. Life than got in the way, the reality of circumstance and failed decisions.

What do you do when that happens and life needs you to be in the left lane when in fact your trapped in the right hand lane? What do you do when all of a sudden there are multiple exit choices and no proper signs to guide you? What happens if the GPS on your life conks out and a decision has to be made now?

You trust in yourself and simply make a decision. You go with that and adjust from it. The traffic in my life prevented me from going the original direction I wanted to. I couldn't get over into that left lane and my life took a vastly different course. So I took the road handed to me, adjusted my plans and moved on.

The destination may look different, but it is one filled with happiness and contentment. I made a decision not to force myself back into the left lane. My experience and gut feeling told me to go ahead and stay in the lane and take that course. It took me to where I needed to be, it got me across the George Washington Bridge and my best life.

You can achieve your best life, a happy life even when faced with making a quick decision. Let your instincts guide you when needed, prepare at other times, but take the road and let it lead you to your destination in life.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Behind the Counter

"Happiness... consists in giving, and in serving others." ~Henry Drummond

There is a gentleman that works in one of our corporate campus cafeteria's. Each and every week day he is there, behind the counter for breakfast and lunch. A smile on his face, a pleasant conversation for anyone that approaches his counter.

Its easy to think that his life is confined to a hot grill and condiments for building masterful sandwiches. We can tend to pigeon-hole people into a particular life by merely viewing the cover of the book. But when you read and find out more of this man's life, something greater emerges.

This particular man has a number of children, quite a bit of activity with them and his church. He truly sounds like a man that has it all when you listen to him speak. And all the while, he serves hundreds of people each and every day but feels he has it all.

Each of us have much more in our lives then we ever seem to admit. But if you sit back and examine what you do have, then you will probably find that you also have it all. Then take another look and see what you do in life; you are probably serving others in some form or another.

There will be times when you are served, but most of your life is spent in service to others. You can complain and whine about it, or you can embrace it and know that in service to others you will get tenfold in return.

The man behind the counter serves others at work, he serves his children, his spouse, and his God. But his attitude tells me that he receives so much more in return by serving others.

Think about how you serve through out your day...then see how much you get in return for all that you do.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oh Happy Day

"Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake." -Victor Hugo

My wife has such great patience with me as I struggle to come out of my 'man cave'. It is a term that relates to how men will retreat into a quiet area internally to work through things. I have been working through the death of a loved one and it is not as if I'm depressed.

What I have found is that I am struggling at getting back to an ability to 'multi-task' in my daily life. Each of us in our lives have many things going on in our worlds. You juggle each of them in some manner, handling them as best one can. The work of 'living' must go on and we must enjoy the act of 'living'.

So just keep telling yourself that these are happy days for all of us. The problems and issues that arise around us will pass.

We played this song along with images of her life during a tribute to my Mother during a memorial service. I smile every time I hear it and think of her. These are happy days.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday to everyone that is having a birthday today. Most importantly, my wife - she is celebrating one and as with anyone you love, call that person, make it a point to wish them a healthy and love filled day.

Many of us attempt to minimize our own birth date, but as Ellen Glasgow said, "It is lovely, when I forget all birthdays, including my own, to find that somebody remembers me." Remember someone and send them a card, a phone call or even a visit to remind them of how special they are.

So Happy Birthday to my wife and to everyone else on this the 30th of May, 2007. May there be many more for you and may there be many more for us.