Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Another Pleasant Day

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same." ~Francesca Reigler

The sun does not shine every day, the good times do not always roll and smiles do end upside down; all of this is a given. They are a fact of the life we live, day in and day out the circumstances change. Even from moment to moment they can change. Life would be pretty boring if everything was happy, sugar and kisses all of the time.

I am reminded of a movie a few years back called Pleasantville in which television characters lived the idyllic life. In the beginning, it is said by the weatherman, "Well, it looks like we're going to have another sunny day - high 72, low 72, and not a cloud in the sky."

But the black and white scenes begin to gather color in this television land called Pleasantville. The line now becomes, "Nothing is as simple as Black and White." Which is something we learn in our own life; the colors abound and we work through each of them.

The colors or "happiness" is what we choose them to be. In those moments when the colors become dull and depressing, we can choose to find the hues of happiness. A cloudy day has its own beauty. A rainy day provides wondrous reflections in the pools of water on the sidewalk.

No, we do not get to choose the circumstances we encounter most of the time. But we do get to choose the attitude we have. Find happiness within your circumstance and see the colors come back into your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

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