Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big Expectations

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow." ~Orison Swett Marden

You have had it happen before, probably many times before. You go to bed at night having an expectation of something happening in the morning. It could be waiting on news from a doctor, word of a new job or anticipation of reuniting with family. Quickly you fall asleep and slumber takes over in a comforting way.

And then it happens, something startles you awake from a deep sleep. You clear your senses and look to the clock on the bed stand to find it is only 11:00pm. Not to worry, you snuggle back into the covers and fall asleep only to wake again. This time it is only 1:45am, far short of the rising sun.

This goes on and on while you start to think ahead to the new day's events. The expectation grows in you and it only makes sleep harder to achieve. You worry and stare at the clock as the alarm draws closer and closer.

Expectation of things to come can have this type of effect upon us. We draw up grand thoughts of what is to come. We then start to concern ourselves that the reality will not meet the expectation. Over and over again we do this and eventually we stop trying to expect good things in our life.

This is when we stop living a life geared as movement towards a great life. We stop realizing our dreams, stop acting on our dreams, we stop dreaming.

Don't ever let the reality of something win over the expectation you may have. Expect grand and great things for your life. Always expect more then what the reality may provide.

When reality hits, understand that it is providing you with the opportunity to shoot for even more in life. If the reality doesn't rise to meet the expectation, keep believing in more, keep trying for more.

You can give up when reality doesn't meet the expectation. Or you can still get up when the alarm goes off at 7:00am and go meet the reality. Once you have met up with reality, then dream some more, expect more and spend another night with great expectation of greater things in your life.

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